I'm confused - Boyf Riends

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Okay so here's another request from @ThatsVeryScandalous . They made a lot of requests so expect a ton of one shots by their request. In this, the two are about 10 years old.

Warnings: homophobia, cursing, those kinds of things. 

Michael's POV

Jeremy and I sat on the swings, eating our lunch as we usually would do. Laughing and talking, nothing really too exciting. Not until Jeremy put his lunch down and said he was going to swing as high as he could. "Okay, go for it Jeremy!" I giggled.

He swung and swung until he was at least six feet in the air. I started to get worried. "Jeremy, I don't have a good feeling 'bout this. You might wanna come down..." 

"Micha, see? I'm fine." Jeremy assured. However, he did slow down a little. He kept swinging until I got too scared for him and I went behind the swing to stop him, only to be knocked back, and for Jeremy to fall off the swing.  I sat there, quiet from the shock. "Micha? you okay?" 

I look back at him. He was holding his hand out for me to take. He's handsome, with his messy hair and the sun hitting his face just right..... I shake my head at the thought. He's my best friend, I can't think of him like that. Plus, guys are supposed to like girls.... "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?"

Jeremy's POV

"I'm good. Let's get back to-" I was cut off by a bunch of boys, looking to be about thirteen to fourteen years old. 

"Yeah, take your little boyfriend's hand, you homo! Y'know being gay's a sin, right?" A smaller, more stout boy shouted. He had a baseball cap on, as well as a jersey. All of them had quite a bit of acne.

"Ah, fuck off, you braille heads. Don't you have anything better to do," He retorted. "Than bully a couple of fourth graders?" This shocked the three boys. The shorter one huffed and they all fled the scene. 

Michael's POV

"What's a homo?" I asked him. I think I'll need to look that up later.

"I dunno." Jeremy said, just as bewildered as I was.

"EVERYONE GET BACK TO CLASS" A teacher yells. We both shrug and go back to class. 

(time skip brought to you by my lack of patience)

At home, I ran to the computer. I searched up the word "homo." Oh. It just was short for homosexual, which means 'liking the same gender as yourself.' another word came up, 'gay' I guess it means the same thing.

Well I guess the boys weren't wrong. But is it a sin? I have two moms, and they're gay. I'll just ask them later. 

That explains the feelings towards Jeremy. Do I have a crush?

sorry it's kind of short, but I hope you like it! 

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