Something In The Water Part 1

Start from the beginning

"A human? How exciting," the voice fell off the watery man like nectar from a honeycomb. "Why don't you come with me, dear, and I can show you a good time. More than that elf ever could."

His words fell down Aria's cheek, caressing her jawline and pulling her forward.

Aria stepped towards the beautiful man, entranced by that feeling.

The nymph smirked, eager to have her in its grasp. The human energy will replenish it quite well.

Elvin's grip tightened around Aria's wrist as he turned her to him. Her fuggy gaze fell on Elvin as he spoke, "My melissë, please keep your attention on me." He hoped she got the message.

"You think to fool me, elf. It is clear you two are not intimate. I can tell she is untouched. If you let her go, I can give you great pleasure, and then some."

Elvin stared at the eyes of the woman. He grunted in annoyance, "if you had not interrupted, it would not be the case. I would already have my female screaming my name in ecstasy." The nymph was trying his patience. But, if his soldiers' accounts were right, this creature was not one to battle while submerged in water. If he angered it, it could drown them before he reached his weapons. He would most likely be fine, but he feared for Aria's safety.

Aria watched Elvin's eyes flicker between his discarded sword and the being behind her. She could not see it anymore, but it wasn't hard to figure out what Elvin was trying to do. It was time she stopped playing the rock and played her part. If only to get out of this rotten situation.

"My love, how much longer do I have to wait," Aria soft hands traveled up Elvin's rock hard chest. The tattoos, still purple, lit up under her arm.

Elvin shuttered under her touch. The Mahart tattoos, amplifying every single brush of her fingertips and scrape of her nails. He bit down on his lips, bruising them, to stop a groan of pleasure as he hardened once again.

The nymph scoffed. "So you continue to try to fool me. Fine, so be it. Prove to me you are lovers, and I should leave you alone." It offered, sure that they would fail.

Aria tensed against Elvin at the request, 'prove we are together.' Aria blushed at what the nymph wanted.

On the other hand, the prince turned stiff as his eyes calculated the distance to his sword. It would be risky to fight in the water, but surely, the human would not want to play along. Before he could make a move for his sword, he felt two gentle hands on his cheek.

Aria saw it in his eyes, the determination of a warrior. Determined to avoid a fight, she crashed her lips against his. Firm and deliberate, her plum rosy lips danced against his still ones. She pulled back when he didn't respond, embarrassed that perhaps she had misjudged the best course of action.

But hungry silver eyes stared at her. Soon, his lips seized hers. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her in closer. Her breast pushed up against his broad chest, causing her nipples to brush against him. For a second, she forgot this was all a farce and enjoyed the feeling of her soft and gentle lips against his.

His tongue slipped from his mouth, asking for entrance. Lost in the heat of his skin, Aria opened her mouth, and moaned as his slick tongue slipped inside. He cradled her head back, giving him better access to her opened mouth. He took the chance to take a look at the watching nymph.

Elvin removed his lips from Aria; unconsciously, she followed them. A proud male smirk appeared on his face. But he did not have time to tease the human. "Leave us," he ordered the nymph.

"Anyone can fake a kiss, as passionate as that was. I require more definitive proof," the nymph waved its hand, encouraging them to proceed. "You said you would have your female screaming your name, well, make her."

Elvin knew what the nymph wanted to see, and it would surely be too much for the human. So he decided on a plan. "Do you trust me?" Elvin whispered lowly in Aria's ear.


"Play along then," he kissed the nape of Aria's neck. "My melissë, let's give this nymph a show."

Elvin wrapped his hands around her knees. With ease, he carried her up and wrapped her legs around his waist once again.

Aria tried not to squirm at the feel of his naked skin.

He kept one hand on her back, and another on her neck. Elvin devoured her mouth once again, trying to not get distracted by its sweat taste. His long strides moved across the water reaching the edge of the pool. Gently, he laid Aria down. The grass tickled the skin on her back.

Elvin paused at sight and had to remind himself what the purpose of this was. It was hard to deny the breathtaking beauty of the female under him. Were it normal circumstances, he would be indulging in it. Elvin bent down and placed a kiss on her waist. His ears listened closely for any movement of the nymph. If this was to work, it could not suspect his plan.

A moan escaped Aria's closed lips, when the prince kissed her skin. Ever so gently, his breath trailed up her waist. She shuttered when his warm breath brushed against her hardened nipples.

Aria felt as exposed as never before, to be laid bare, open in front of Elvin's eyes. She found herself not minding. Perhaps, even despite everything she had been told, enjoying it.

Elvin's hand grabbed Aria's and slowly trailed them up, holding them high above her head.

His eyes snapped above Aria's head. In a flash, a spear was in his hand. He twisted around and threw it across the pond, electricity sparking around its tip. The water nymph split, avoiding the edge of the spear,

"Go!" Elvin directed and twisted Aria around, pushing her away from the pond's edge. Her ass was high in the air as it crawled away.

A large wave appeared behind Elvin and swallowed him. The last thing he saw was Aria's shocked face disappear in a mirage of water. 

Aria watched in horror as Elvin disappeared under the water

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Aria watched in horror as Elvin disappeared under the water. Swallowed whole by a wave. But now, the surface was as still as ever. Like he never had been there.

"Prince Elvin!" She screamed, but she saw nothing but calm water. "Elvin!" She tried again.

The water rose slightly and from it came a voice that said, "If you want to save him, all you must do is enter the water." Then it disappeared.

Aria looked out towards the treelines and contemplated how easy it would be to run away. But could she leave him behind?


I debated having this chapter a lot, did you guys liked it?

A quick sketch of Elvin in this chapter, would you like to see more in the future?

A quick sketch of Elvin in this chapter, would you like to see more in the future?

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