Three - Jisung's little helper

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He stared into the mirror with wide eyes out of pure fright. For a moment Jisung thought his heart had stopped. He slowly turned around and looked at it. The creatures infront of him was big and torn, had glowing red and two big, deformed hands. It immediatly pushed Jisung on top of the bed and hovered over him with two of its six legs, its arms retracted close to its body. The huge monster leaned its face closer to Jisung, and panic struck him like a lightning. He started crying and sobbing loudy WITH closed eyes, scared of what would happen next. He feared for his life. He quickly pulled up the hood on his hoodie and covered his face with his arms and curled up into a ball, being a crying, shaking mess.

"W-what are you?!" Jisung managed to yell through his sobbing, only to recieve a grunt as an answer. For the first time in a while, Jisung slowly removed his hands from his face, glancing at the creature infront of him. It wasn't hovering on top of him anymore, rather it was standing a bit away from the bed with its head tilted to the side. It almost looked like it was sorry for him. Jisung sat up, tears still running down his cheeks and quiet sobs could be heard from time to time, he moved to the other end of the bed and curled up into a ball, staring at the creature. "What are you?" He asked more sternly this time, not daring to let his gaze focus on anything else. It carefully took a step forward, making a noise that sounded like the mix of a faint growl and squeak.

It placed an item from its deformed hands in the middle of the bed before backing off. Jisung reached out and grabbed the object, never breaking eye contact with the creature. He carefully glanced down and immediatly at the creature again to make sure it didn't move. "Don't you dare move any closer to me" he yelled out at the red-eyed creature which to his surprise, did exactly as he told it to. It sat down and looked at him with a somehow soft gaze, almost not moving at all. Jisung felt a bit safer and looked down at the thing he was holding. It was a rolled up letter. He gently unfolded it, the text written in big, wonky letters was easy to read.

'He is here to help you. Put your trust in him and let him help you. He will do almost everything you tell him to do. Others can't see him, only you.'

Jisung looked up at the thing, confused. "You're helping me?" The creature nodded softly in return, trying to make himself look as harmless as he possibly could to the small boy sitting in the bed. Jisung wiped his tears away, keeping his gaze on the creature "so... I guess I can try.. I don't have anything to lose either way" he sighed and folded the letter again, putting it on his nightstand. "So if you're here to help me, tell me what you're gonna do" he scoffed a bit closer to the bigger. "You look more like a monster to me" he mumbled under his breath. The monster looked at him and opened his mouth to let out a low growling squeak. Jisung tilted his head "you can't talk?" The room went quiet for a while, neither of the two barely moved. Jisung got an idea and grabbed his notebook and a pen and shoved it closer to the monster "can you at least write?" He asked. The monster careful grabbed the pen with his deformed hand and began writing in the notebook. 'Only little write' it said. Jisung kept his gaze at the creature, tears began forming in his eyes again. He buried his face in his legs "you're just hallucinating Jisung... This isn't real, it will be gone when you look up again" he sobbed. He broke down crying.

He rocked back an forth, crying and shaking out of panic. "You can't be real, no! It's just an hallucination!" He said with a shaky tone. A hand gently stroke his shoulder. Jisung froze and stopped sobbing, he was scared but still felt calmer and a bit comfortable. He didn't dare to look up and face what he assumed was the monster again, but he didn't move back at its touch. Jisung quietly fell into a light slumber, laying down in his bed while still being curled up into a ball.

The creature looked at his laptop, sitting in one end of the bed. He had no idea how it worked, so he gently grabbed it and placed it on his nightstand so Jisung wouldn't lay on it. He then quietly exited the room, looking around the house. 'Quite big for someone to live alone in' he thought. He opened a counter and found a package of something unknown to him. The monster had learnt to cook things when he still was in his own home, Lifek.

He twisted and turned the package and found four small pictures that seemed to resemble instructions, with a few snippets of small text under them. He couldn't read all the text, he was only familiar to a few words as he never learnt the human language properly in Lifek, he was a slow learner and only had some time to learn. The only word he could understand on the third picture was 'boiling water'. The monster looked through a few drawers and found something resembling a pot, he hoped to not mess things up as they had very different things where he came from.

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