Two - What's that?

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Jisung woke up and stretched his arms, a smile proudly showing on his face. "A new morning as usual," he chuckled to himself. He went up and got into the kitchen and did his usual morning routine, preparing his coffee and cereal for breakfast after changing into some new clothes - a pair of black pants and a blue oversized hoodie. Jisung opened the fridge and got the milk out, noticing that he needed to go get more groceries. He poured up the milk and put it back in, then filling the bowl with cereal. Jisung yawned and carried the mug and bowl to the kitchen table, eating slowly and counting every flake of cereal he ate. When he was finished, he washed the bowl and mug and put on his jacket and shoes, heading towards his car on the parking lot.

The boy got into his car and started driving. He disliked to go to the grocery store, as the closest place was half an hour away. He parkens his car and went out, grabbing his textile bag and hung it over his shoulder before he walked in. Jisung fixated his eyes on the floor to avoid any eye contact with anyone. He grabbed two milk cartons, eggs, a bag of coffee beans and other necessary food and stuffed them in his bag. Jisung went to the fruit section to get some apples and bananas as healthy snacks, he accidentally bumped into a taller male.
"Oh i'm sorry" Jisung said and looked at the taller with apologetic eyes. The other showed him a warm smile "it's alright."

He had long, bleached hair and a few braids in it. He was also wearing a black and white striped cloth over a white shirt and grey pants. Jisung couldn't lie, he was kind of pretty. The taller turned around to continue what he was doing before. Jisung kept his stare on him for a few seconds longer before going back to his duties. "Now where were I... Yeah right, bananas" he mumbled lowly to himself.

When he was done he went to the cash register and paid for it all, leaving the store as he got back into his car with a sigh. "I can't belive you bumped into him Sungie" he muttered and stroke his hair back before violently bursting out into tears yet again. He leaned is forehead on the top of the steering wheel, shaking and sobbing quietly. What he didn't know was that from afar, the boy he had bumped into earlier witnessed poor boy crying. He felt helpless for the little soul as he couldn't do anything about it. Walking up to someone in a car and knocking on their window would be creepy.


Jisung was at home, glued to work on his laptop while eating a banana he bought earlier today. It was getting darker outside, so he moved himself into his room, turning the lights on. He continued his work, giggling to himself. "You're so boring Jisung, of course that's why you're so lonely." He fought the urge to burst out into tears again, he was tired of it. Every day, he repeated the same things. Nothing changed, it got repeating and he could barely take it anymore. Jisung shot up from his train of thoughts when he heard something groan from under his bed. He quickly shook his head "no Ji, you're just hearing things" he tried to assure himself. His heart beating fast out of it, the thought of monsters being under his bed had always scared him, but despite that he had never encountered anything under his bed.

Jisung sat still and completely quiet, too scared to move a muscle. He hoped dearly that his heartbeat wasn't as loud as he heard it himself. But there it was again, the faint groan from under the bed. Slowly and quietly, Jisung crawled over to the left side of the bed and lifted the blanket that covered the gap between the bed and the floor. He took a deep breath and peeked down, unable to see anything. He sighed out of relief before he saw what looked like a piece of matt, cyan cloth. Jisung boldly reached for the cloth and tugged it carefully. A red-glowing eye opened and stared right into Jisung's. Out of pure fright, Jisung quickly threw his blanket back and sat up, hastily backing up to the opposide corner of the bed. Jisung spotted his own pale reflection in the mirror that was placed in the corner of the room. He had placed it there because the corner of the bed was the only place he could see into it from. "Damn you're really that ugly Jisung...." He mumbled. He kept staring into the mirror before he saw something else, his eyes widened and he held his breath.

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