Eighteen - feathers and pillows

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Jisung leaned back in his bed. A release of tension in his chest. It felt good. He would be able to speak to Hyunjin daily, get to know him better and maybe, just maybe, get a soft, warm hug from him. Anything would be comfortable at this point.

Jisung sat up and ruffled his now almost completely dry hair. He had given his umbrella to Hyunjin, as he needed it more to walk all the way home than what Jisung needed to get to his car. He smiled fondly at Hyunjin's wide and sparkly eyes when he gave it to him. The thankful look on his face when they both parted again for the time being.

Aspen stared at him weirdly. He seemed so happy all of a sudden, but he was not complaining. That was his goal after all, and maybe he was closer to achive it than what he knew himself. He'd be going back to Lifek and deliver the good news, and whatever awaited him after that would be magnificent.

Jisung stood up and ran over to Aspen, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Thank you," he mumbled, his sound muffled because of the hug.

Aspen wrapped his arms around him too. Jisung didn't feel as uncomfortable anymore. Maybe Aspen had done more good than harm. If he had not been at the park that time, him and Hyunjin wouldn't have talked. He didn't need a job for money, he was already rich. Hyunjin would be enough distraction.

Jisung grabbed Aspen's wrist and dragged him along outside the bedroom and into the dusty guest room. He was rarely in here, since there was no use for it.

"I'm gonna need some help here."


After an entire afternoon of cleaning and insecure thoughts, the guest room finally looked welcoming. The only last thing he needed was to fix the bed. He looked around in his own closet, feeling out the softest pillow, but also some other less soft yet still comfortable. He wanted Hyunjin to feel good about being here, get a good nights sleep and feel welcomed.

He took two pillows and a blanket and carried them to the guest room, neatly putting them on the mattress. With a content smile he stood up and looked around.

"Do you think he will like it?" Jisung asked. Aspen nodded and let out his signature whine, and Jisung just chuckled.

"Good, then we can rest now."

Jisung sat back in the couch and let out a sigh. He just had to wait now. Impatiently he tapped his fingers on the couch, staring out the window and occasionally glancing at his phone. The empty feeling was catching up with him again. He tried to shake it off, he didn't want to feel so desperate for someone.

The scenarios building up in Jisung's mind made him lay down, trying to find a comfortable position to lay in. But the thought of scaring off Hyunjin with his feelings and anger frightened him more, causing a suck feeling to build in this empty stomach, filling it up with the uncomfortable sensation, making him lose his appetite.

He closed his eyes for a moment to try to think about something else. He listened to the faint noise of birds twittering and singing outside, along with the wind and quiet patter of raindrops hitting the roof, slowly running down through the gutter and onto the green grass in his yard.

And for once, the captivating sounds made Jisung felt calm. Not the normal calm. He felt completely calm, everything dissapeared from his mind for the first time in forever, no overthinking, no insecurities, no nothing. Not even longing for anyone. He felt content in the moment as it was. Independent and free. And he felt glad. For once, he could feel normal again, even if it was only for a short moment. A step away from the world who so quickly kept running away from him, his pace too slow to keep up with it.

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