Nine - Loud thunder

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Jisung made eye contact with the much taller boy infront of him for a brief moment before flickering his eyes away to avoid looking at him "i'm just..." he went quiet, trying to come up with a good answer, but struggled to.

"It's a long story," Jisung concluded with a sigh. The boy sat down next to him and closed his black umbrella. That's when Jisung noticed the dog with a small raincoat of its own that came walking after the other. The dog came closer to Jisung, and he held out his hand to let the dog sniff it and gently rub its head against it. He didn't notice the other boy smiling brightly at how gentle the shorter was with his dog, but he decided to speak up again.

"I see Kkami already likes you. I'm Hyunjin, you remember me from the store, right?" He introduced himself. Jisung got slightly startled as he had already forgotten about him. He stopped petting Kkami and sat up straight, glancing at the other. "I'm Jisung" he greeted back with a slightly nod, looking down at Kkami who has gone back to Hyunjin and curled up into a small fluffy ball in between his feet. Jisung was not thinking of continuing the conversation further himself, but despite that he slightly hoped that Hyunjin would, as he already seemed like a nice person.

"Do you live around the area?" Hyunjin asked. Jisung shook his head. "No, I live outside Seoul. The only reason i'm here was because of work" "I see, that's why you're sitting here all alone in those clothes" he chuckled at Jisung. Jisung responded with an awkward smile.

It's easier to conversate than I thought. They sat quietly, Hyunjin staring at Jisung, while Jisung himself was looking down at the ground, nervously fiddling with his thumbs. Suddenly, a bright flash lit up the sky for a split second, and a few seconds later, the sound came. A huge, loud lightning strike and thunder following it killed off all the other sounds coming from the wind and the rain. The noise caused Jisung to flinch and huddle up his arms closer around his torso. Hyunjin immediatly felt bad for the other, he slid off his jacket and held it out to him.

Jisung looked up at Hyunjin confused over his actions. "Take the jacket and warm yourself up," Hyunjin pleaded, but Jisung shook his head. "it's yours, you need it more yourself." Hyunjin sighed and got closer to Jisung, wrapping his jacket around him. "I have a hoodie and a long sleeve under it, you need the jacket more," Hyunjin mumbled. Jisung on the other hand was completely frozen, unable to comprehend the fact that Hyunjin was so nice to him. All Jisung managed to do in response was to nod, and gently cuddling up into the large, soft and warm jacket, holding it closed from the inside. It had a nice, almost sweet honey smell, and to his own surprise, calmed him. He already liked Hyunjin's smell.

"Thank you" Jisung mumbled, making eye contact with Hyunjin. He smiled and Jisung immediatly looked away and tried to find something else to look at, he wasn't sure how to react to the awkward silence lingering between them.

"So when are you going home?" Hyunjin asked. Jisung checked the time on his phone before answering, "in around an hour." Hyunjin nodded and looked down at Kkami, picking the little dog up and holding him close to his body, gently stroking his head.

"Mind if I keep you company until you need to go?" Jisung shook his head softly at the other's question. "That's up to you.." he mumbled and fiddled with his fingers. He felt slightly nervous about being with someone else for so long, but it also made him feel warm and nice, like someone was actually caring for him. Jisung pushed away those feelings. Why would a stranger care about me?

Jisung looked up at Hyunjin and studies his face. The taller boy was looking down as his Kkami, his lips slightly parted, hair covering part of his face, his smooth skin looked soft and squishable. He looked away again, out at the rainy weather, still falling harshly, making a loud noise as each drop hit the roof loudly above them. The sky lit up again in a quick, white light. The thunder came and Jisung shook slightly, feeling a little less scared with the warm jacket on.

Hyunjin chuckled at his reaction, "are you scared of the thunder?" "The loud noise scares me" Jisung mumbled and pouted slightly. Hyunjin put Kkami down in Jisung's lap, in which the other immediatly began softly and happily petting and giving the dog affection. Hyunjin smiled brightly at how comfortable Jisung seemed with his dog.

"You seem to like dogs" Hyunjin states, causing the other to look up. "Yeah, I like both cats and dogs!" He said excitingly and looked back down at Kkami, gently rubbing his lower jaw.

"Don't you have to get home soon?" Jisung asked, looking up yet again.

Hyunjin shook his head "I got nothing important to do there at home."

Jisung hummed slightly but decided to keep the conversation up to hopefully break the awkward tension between them.

"Does Kkami like to be out in the rain?"

"Not really, I usually carry him when it's raining"

"I see" Jisung nodded and gently lifted Kkami back into Hyunjin's lap before standing up. "I'm going down to the subway, d-do you wanna go with me?"

Hyunjin smiled softly at Jisung's sudden shyness as he looked down on the ground.

"Of course."

(Author note: I was attempting more dialouge in the end as I tend to lack alot of it.)

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | HyunsungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang