Nineteen - soft

301 21 3

Hyunjin smiled at Jisung again.

"Thank you," Hyunjin said cheerfully, letting Kkami walk past him before he turned to close the door.

Kkami walked right up to Jisung and looked up at him, wagging his small fluffy tail in excitement. Jisung giggled and bent down to gently pet him, watching the puppy enjoy every stroke.

Hyunjin looked down at Jisung and Kkami with wide eyes. His gaze was fixated on Jisung. His fluffy hair covering part of his eyes, his soft smile shining along with his eyes, making the taller smile helplessly at him without even realising it himself.

He slipped off his light blue Converse High's, placing them next to Jisung's black and grey sneakers. Jisung stopped petting Kkami and let him go explore the big house for himself. He stood up again and looked at Hyunjin, feeling the awkward tension between them grow stronger.

"L-let's eat first and then I can show you around", Jisung suggested nervously, earning a nod from the other. Jisung lead him into the kitchen where the freshly baked pancakes were laying pridefully on a plate, the whipped cream messily placed in a bowl next to them.

Jisung picked out two plates and cutlery for them both, he looked at Hyunjin and handed him the plate.

"Take as many pancakes as you want."


Kkami was laying on the floor, basking in the morning sunlight proudly shining in from from the huge window, the dust particles slowly floating around, visable in the bright light. Hyunjin was slowly chewing the pancakes, enjoying the soft and sweet taste of them. Hyunjin didn't know pancakes could ever taste this good. The blissfull taste in his mouth made him feel all bubbly and happy, not regretting going out yesterday despite the dark clouds that were hanging in the sky, ready to pour down at any minute.

And they did. Not to Hyunjin's surprise.

"You're really good at making pancakes!" Hyunjin looked up at Jisung for the first time since he entered the house. The tension between them was still a bit awkward, but they both managed to work around it. "Thank you", Jisung chuckled back. "I like to cook food in my freetime, so I know how to cook pretty well I guess."

Hyunjin showed off an adorable smile, almost giving the surroundings a warmer colour. His simple action really had an affect on Jisung, making him feel all funny and ticklish. Like something was fluttering and tickling his stomach.

"Thank you for letting me stay here", Hyunjin whispered and shoved another bite of pancake into his mouth. "Are you sure there really isn't any way I can pay you back?"

Jisung pondered over how to respond. He didn't want to show Hyunjin how he felt. He really wanted to hug him, to finally have a friend he could feel safe around. Someone who isn't scary. But how could he tell this to Hyunjin?

"I can't think of anything, just be comfortable here I guess?" He chuckled, surprising himself with how genuine he sounded. But he did mean his words. Of course he wanted Hyunjin to be comfortable. Hyunjin's eyes flashed a spark of amusement before returning to his normally soft ones.

He swallowed the last bit of pancake and looked at Jisung with a thankful smile. Jisung grabbed both plates and put them in the dishwasher and looked up at Hyunjin infront of him.

"I-I can show you around now I guess.." he smiled shyly and scratched his neck. A smile curled up on the ends of Hyunjin's lips. "Sure!"

The showcase went easy as Hyunjin's eyes scanned the areas with great intrest. The house was definitely pretty, the placement so close to the sea was his favourite part.

"And this..." Jisung opened the door. "It's m-my room, i'll be here a lot of the time if you can't find me anywhere else. Just knock", Hyunjin gazed into the room, almost a bit underwelmed by how little personality it had. It did have decorations and it looked pretty comfortable, but not much that gave any hints of Jisung's personality or likings at all, other than the dreamcatcher in the window and the star lamps in the ceiling. Nothing in his house showed much personality, now that he thought of it.

Hyunjin nodded as Jisung closed the door, the awkward silence filling the air as always.

Hyunjin looked at Jisung, contemplating between hugging him or just thanking him. He went with the latter one as he didn't know if Jisung even liked hugs to begin with, and embarrassing himself now wasn't on Hyunjin's to-do list.

Kkami suddenly barked loudly, making them both look down at the puppy. Jisung's eyes widened, "I-I don't have anything to feed Kkami with", he mumbled, his fingers nervously grasping the hem of his shirt.

"That's alright, I have some dog food. I'll buy more next time i'll go shopping." Jisung sighed in relief at his words and bent down to pet Kkami, "you really are a lucky dog huh? Got such a caring owner", he giggled.

Hyunjin cooed at Jisung and looked at them both with wide, happy eyes. He already felt like spending time with Jisung here wouldn't be bad at all.


Hyunjin sat down in his bed, stroking the soft duvet gently. His room wasn't as big as Jisung's, but it didn't surprise him. He was more of a guest after all. He looked down at Kkami and smiled widely at the puppy before picking him up and putting him on the bed.

"Isn't it soft, don't you think, Kkami? We can finally get a good night's sleep, you and I", he giggled cutely at the puppy. Jisung was standing in the doorway with a smile plastered on his face. Despite that, he was a tas bit jealous of Kkami, but he shook it off since he didn't feel like he had a valid reason to be.

He left them both in their room and went into his own, ready to get some rest for the evening. He grabbed the notebook from his desk that he had forgot about. Jisung sat down and decided to write down his progress on papers, like he had seen in films whenever people were recovering from something.

"I was scared of how I would spend time with Hyunjin on the first day. I thought it would be really awkward until he suggested us to draw, so that's kinda what we did. Neither of us were used to it so our drawings of course looked a bit messy, but it was fun!"

Jisung paused his writing when he heard a noise from the corner of his room.

"Aspen? Oh my god I almost forgot about you", he chuckled and went over to creature and embraced him in a big hug.

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | HyunsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora