Twenty one - seashell

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The entire day had felt extra awkward for both of them. Jisung didn't understand why, but Hyunjin wasn't speaking as much as yesterday and Jisung himself was more careful with his choise of words and conversation topic today, mostly out of fear that Hyunjin maybe saw or heard something last night.

"Did you sleep well?"

The awkward and dry tension lingered between his words. Wasn't it too late to ask for that already? It was past lunch time anyway. Hyunjin nodded as a response at his question. Neither of them had an idea for conversation topics now. Hyunjin tried to focus on the boring news on the TV, seemingly acting intrested in whatever politics they were rambling on about. Jisung on the other hand focused his gaze out the window. The sun was shining outside today, and the wind was very calm. It felt like a perfect day to go outside.

"Hyunjin", he mumbled. Hyunjin broke his staring contest with the TV and looked at Jisung with a curious yet cautious expression. "Yeah? What's up?"

"Do you wanna go for a walk with Kkami? The weather is nice, I can show you the seashore", he smiled, keeping himself fixated at the sky outside. There were only a few clouds, and they were all glistening, white and pretty. 

Hyunjin's eyes widened a bit as he shot a look out the window before noticing the fine weather. "Sure!" The excitement in his voice made Jisung giggle a bit. Finally Jisung had managed to break the awkwardness for a while.


"Look! There's a seashell here?"

Hyunjin excitedly skipped throught the wet sand and picked up the shell. Jisung let out a laugh and walked over to him to look at the shell the taller boy was now holding. The shell had a white colour with creamy, brown stripes along the middle. Jisung glanced up at Hyunjin who was admiring the shell, almost like he had never seen one before.

Kkami trampled around them aimlessly and bored, limited by his leash. Jisung had an idea and quickly snatched the seashell out of Hyunjin's grip. Hyunjin, who was everything but prepared, snapped back to reality and looked at Jisung with a shocked face.

"Hey! Give it back! I was the one who found it!" Hyunjin whined and tried to grab it back, but Jisung was quick to move his hand away. "If you want it then catch me", the chuckle that left Jisung's mouth as he said it sparked hope into Hyunjin. Something about him made Hyunjin feel all jumpy and bubbly. And when Jisung turned around and started running, he bent down and took the leash off kkami, letting him run freely.

"Come here Kkami! We're gonna catch him, aren't we?"

Hyunjin began running after Jisung, Kkami happily running after. Despite his tiny legs, he managed to keep up pretty well. Laughs and yells escaped both of them as the chase contiuned, Hyunjin closing in on Jisung. What Hyunjin didn't expect was Jisung to suddenly turn to the right and run closer to the water, but he followed soon as he was determined to catch him.

Jisung held on to the shell tightly, he quickly looked behind at Hyunjin, who had a huge smile plastered on his plump, smooth lips. Jisung felt something hit his foot and gravity suddenly pulling him down into the sand. He immediatly sat up and brushed the sand off his face when he felt another weight on himself, and a pair of arms that wrapped around him, clinging onto the soft fabric of his hoodie.

"Gotcha you clumsy squirrel!" Hyunjin laughed and grabbed the seashell from his hand. Jisung admit defeat and chuckled as he brushed off sand from his dark blue hoodie. Kkami caught up as well and barked happily as his tail wagged back an forth. Hyunjin was looking at the shell laying flat in his hand, with his other wrapped around Jisung's neck, tightly gripping onto him.

Jisung looked at Hyunjin and realised the situation he was in. But he enjoyed it. Hyunjin was basically sitting on top of his legs in a half hug. Jisung smiled to himself and when Hyunjin finally looked up at Jisung, his eyes shone out of joy. Jisung's expression changed into a frown and wide eyes as he gently tried to push Hyunjin off of him.

"Hyunjin, please get off", he begged, but Hyunjin decided to tease him and did the opposite of what he said. Instead, grabbing Jisung's arm and held him tightly yet carefully to make sure not to hurt him. Jisung struggled even more in his grip, but his attempts to break lose were unsuccessful. "Hyunjin, please I beg you, do you realise where we're sitti-"

A wave washed in on shore and the cold water hit them both up to their waist, causing them both to gasp and stand up. Hyunjin dropped the seashell and quickly looked around for Kkami. Luckily for him, Kkami was the only smart one out of the three and was standing further up on the beach to avoid the water.

"Why didn't you get up?! I clearly told you to!" Jisung snapped at Hyunjin who remained quiet and shocked at his sudden aggression. "That was very unnecessary, maybe think next time", Hyunjin looked down in guilt and wrapped his arms around himself.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think i-" "you obviously didn't think", Jisung huffed and began walking up the shore heading back to the house. Kkami followed Jisung, letting out a bark for attention, making him pick up Kkami and carry him back. Hyunjin sighed at the sight and followed behind, leaving space for Jisung and Kkami to be alone for a while.

Jisung bit his lip out of frustration. The cold, wet trousers were sticking to his legs and sending shivers down his spine each time the wind blew, even if the wind was gentle. He gently stroke his shoulder where Hyunjin had held before. He already missed it, and the sudden regret hit him.

Why did he get so angry? Hyunjin didn't mean it.

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