code 14163

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as they were walking to the village known as Bunzen, they were stopped by a man claiming to be a pro and a veteran in the game. 

'you may be a veteran, but you aren't a pro.' you mentally facepalmed. the man took out a card and tried to cast it on you. "now let's see if you can still play the game after th-" he cut himself off when he looked at your glitching form.

"what's going on? why is this one glitching?!" he thought out loud accidentally. you sent him a private message in his book. he opened it and immediately went pale with fear.

in the message were the numbers 14, 16, 3. you smirked at him from in front of both the boys, so they couldn't see you showing emotions, other than friendliness.

he was immediately glitched somewhere else. no one knows where all the victims of code 14163 went, once they disappeared, they never returned. the only thing left of the victim was a small note with the sentence, "error code 14163". 

the two boys walked forward, and picked up the note, and stared at the note, in confusion and awe. "what just happened???" Gon asked Killua. "don't ask me, ask it." he said, pointing at you. they both looked at you, and you simply stared back with the same cheery smile.

"oh right," Killua said remembering 'you were an NPC'. "what just happened?" he asked. "error code 14163." you said in a robotic voice. "we know it's 'error code 14163' but we want to know what happened to the guy!" Killua shouted.

"shh stop yelling at the NPC Killua! it probably doesn't know anything if what just happened was an error." Gon said. a vein popped in your head from being called 'it' so much.

"we're almost there! did i mention that the village we are going to is called Bunzen?" you said, in a cheerful voice as if nothing happened. "well i guess it really doesn't know anything." Killua sighed.

the two boys followed you as you led them to the first destination, and when you got there you explained everything to them about the challenges, and then gave them some 'advice' and they went to do their first challenge.

"man that challenge was a piece of cake!" Killua said with his hands behind his head. you looked at them in dumbfounded. 'that challenge wasn't even supposed to be easy! plus that false advice should have made it impossible!' you thought.

"w-well then! should we get to the next step?" you said. 'sh- i-i stuttered! dang it! leave it to you Y/n to mess everything up!' you silently cursed yourself.

you held that cheery smile of yours waiting for an answer from them. after a few minutes of awkward silence, Killua looked at you with a 'wait a minute...' face, making you sweat drop.

Killua immediately looked away as Gon finally came a decision on whether he understood, and answered your question. "we're ready" Gon said, and you began to lead them to a wilderness area.

NPC relationship [semi- Killua x reader]Where stories live. Discover now