chapter 21 - joke's on her

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Natalia could barely breathe on the way home. She could feel Draco's anxiety from across the table, his eyes fixated on the scenery outside the carriage window. Neither of them dared speak a word. 

Somehow, Nat was still hopeful, though she knew she shouldn't be. There was no way with her mother back that someone wouldn't get hurt. She kept fiddling with her bracelet, twisting the charms between her fingers, thinking of how George Weasley of all people wanted her. Wanted to make it work. 
After it was all over, if she made it out alive... if they both made it out alive, maybe they could make a go of it. So long as she didn't get tossed into Azkaban for all eternity for being born on the wrong side of the war. She had no doubts that Potter would win. He had every time so far.
Or, at least, come out of it alive. 

Draco shook her out of her thoughts, startling her a little.
They were at the platform.

Natalia took a deep breath, grabbed her bags and stepped out onto the platform. Daphne wouldn't dare be here, not with the majority of the wizarding population on the lookout for any of the known Death Eaters still at large. Which included Bellatrix Lestrange as well. Nat wasn't sure how she felt about meeting the most deranged woman to ever walk out of Azkaban. 

As Lucius had been outed as a Death Eater finally, the driver was waiting for Natalia and Draco without Narcissa. Piling their trunks and cases into the back of the car, they refused to speak or even really meet each other's gaze. It was a bit of a journey to Malfoy Manor, one they were both secretly grateful for. It was difficult going home when it didn't really feel like home, and family no longer felt like family. 

Though Natalia wasn't entirely sure that was how Draco felt. 
They'd been growing apart since... well the whole year really. But especially since Lucious had been imprisoned. She had a worrying feeling that Draco was welcoming the darkness, thinking more like a prejudiced pure-blood pillock than the entitled, ignorant prat she actually liked for some reason. 

Eventually, they arrived at the front door, where Narcissa had definitely been watching out for them as she hurried them both inside as soon as they stepped out of the car. Natalia was grateful that neither of them had been forced to ring the doorbell (the Malfoys always kept the front door locked against any and all unlocking spells) as it probably would have made for an awkward interaction between the two. 

They were instructed to go and clean up and get ready for dinner with guests. Natalia knew what that meant, and followed Draco up the stairs. 

"You know you're like a sister to me," Draco spoke barely above a whisper. 

Natalia blinked. She never thought Draco actually felt about her like that, though she supposed he felt more like family to her than anyone else other than her dad. "We're family." 

He turned and looked at her, searching her face. "I don't know what's going to happen now, but I just want you to know that I will always think of you like family. I'll..." He trailed off, but Natalia knew what he was going to say.

"I love you too, Draco." 

They stared at each other for a second, neither wanting to think about what possible plans Voldemort had for either of them, before parting ways to their bedrooms. 

She shuddered, closing the door. Natalia once thought she didn't have a choice, thought Draco was making stuff up when he said she did. But her mother was out, she owed nothing to Voldemort. Draco was the one who didn't have a choice, not anymore.

She showered and dried her hair quickly, not wanting to be too long, before opening the wardrobe to find it full of new clothes Narcissa had bought her. With the Death Eaters using Malfoy Manor a lot of the time for meetings, it was important for them to look good, presentable, and as pristine as possible. In the upper class, appearance was everything, and Death Eaters were no different, even if they weren't upper class. 

She smiled, picking out some designer pastel blue and black dress, with pale blue flats. She stared in the mirror, leaving her hair natural, applying minimal makeup and opening the door to find Draco waiting for her in a suit. She smiled a little, her anxiety rising, and they walked together down to the dining room. 

They each knew their places at the table, but they stood for a second, not quite daring to believe what was happening. For the first time, Natalia was starting to realise that her mother was actually free, was there, and ready to make her life a living hell, even if unintentionally. Nat took a seat beside her mother, smiling, not sure how to react really. 

"It's good to see you." She managed, trying to make it seem genuine. 

Daphne smiled and hugged her (a little awkwardly as they were both sat) and admired Natalia's hair. "You look so like me. You're so like me in so many ways." She fussed over her for a few minutes before food finally arrived. 

However, as dinner was over there was no escaping it, and as they sat in the drawing-room drinking tea or whatever alcohol the others wanted, Natalia took some time to really let it all sink in.

And she realised something. Natalia was right. With her mother back, there was no way she could be happy, no way she could be with George. She didn't have a choice in the matter, with her mother as unhinged as she was, her mind completely set on her plans. 
So the joke really was on her.

Joke's on Me | George Weasley | Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora