Chapter 1- cursing like a muggle

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School hadn't even started yet and it seemed like things were already going south for Natalia. Not only had Death Eaters invaded the Quidditch World Cup, but they'd blown up her tent with the majority of her belongings in it - including her cat.

To save herself from being trampled in the stampede, she'd managed to escape to an already burnt-out area of the campsite to try and figure out what to do. With no way home until her aunt arrived to bring her back, and nothing except the clothes on her back and her wand, she was pretty hopeless about getting out with even her life.

Well, until Draco turned up screaming her name. "Nat! Natalia! Nat!"

She turned and ran towards him, and he noticed her just in time to catch her as she flung herself into his arms. "Draco, Jesus Christ. What are you doing here why aren't you already back at the manor?"

Draco couldn't find the words for what felt like forever, but eventually he managed to speak. "I knew you were here, and you'd already mentioned being annoyed about having to wait for someone to get you tomorrow, there was no way I could leave you in this."

Natalia felt his grip tighten around her slightly before he let go. "Thank you. That means a lot."

He rolled his eyes. "Don't get sentimental on me now, White, and do you really need to curse like a muggle?"

She couldn't help but laugh, the sound ringing clear through the abandoned grounds. "Cursing like a muggle is way more fun than like a wizard. Besides, I'm half muggle anyway, you know that."

Draco grimaced. "You love to remind me of that."

She smiled, turning her face to the sky before her eyes locked on the Death Eater-shaped cloud in the sky. "Oh. Oh god that can never mean anything good."

Draco glanced at it, not making eye contact. "We should get going before someone catches us here and accuses us of conjuring that. Especially with-" He didn't need to finish that sentence, Nat knew exactly what he meant.

"Come on, which way are we going?"

Joke's on Me | George Weasley | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now