chapter 17 - run

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Natalia lay on the sofa in the Room of Requirement waiting for George. She was early, she knew, because she'd wanted to practise, and then realised that George had the damn textbook she usually practised with and she'd left hers in her dorm.

"If it isn't Natalia White. And early for once!" She heard a familiar voice behind her and rolled over to see George leaning against the wall, bag slung over his shoulder.

"I forgot a book to practise with so I don't break your nose again." She said sheepishly.

He laughed, taking out the usual Charms textbook they used. "You'll never guess."

She stood, frowning. "What?"

He laughed again, "Ron had to dance with McGonagall!"

Natalia giggled, picturing the image in her head, "oh I would have killed to see that!" She giggled. "We had prefects, Snape didn't even attempt to teach us, just gave us the rundown."

George laughed, "could you imagine?"

"The horror!" They giggled. "I'm glad I know how to dance anyway, made it easier to handle."

George stopped laughing and looked at her in awe and shock. "How? It's all steps and twirls and how do you not fall over yourself?!"

Natalia stopped giggling and looked at him seriously. "You can't dance and you're about to go to the Yule Ball... with?"

George wiggled his eyebrows, slipping back into his jokey manner, "why, White? You asking me out?"

She rolled her eyes, turning a little pink but ignoring it, "no, because you're going to embarrass the poor girl! And I have to warn her!"

He laughed, shrugging, "teach me."

Natalia blinked. "Teach you?"

"Teach me." He smiled, "unless you think you could never live up to me as a teacher."

She glared at him. "Fine. But take your shoes off, I don't want to explain to Draco why he's got to fix my foot after you stand on it."

George laughed, but complied, leaving his bag on the floor. "We have no music."

Natalia rolled her eyes, "this is the room of requirement."

They turned, and indeed, a CD player sat on the table. George, of course, had no clue how the hell to work it, but Natalia just cast a simple spell and it started playing some kind of waltz music.

"Ok, so hand positions," Nat directed his hands with her own, placing one on her waist, taking the other with her own, placing hers on his shoulder. "Fairly simple, just try not to panic too much about it."

He nodded, shuffling his feet. "Now is the part where I fall over making a fool of myself."

"Nope, I won't let you. Like this, come on." She told him to watch her feet, following her. "Step forward a few times, like..." She tried to show him but they ended up falling into each other and laughing. "Ok, not like that."

He laughed, helping her find her balance. "Try not to fall at my feet, I know I'm irresistible, but do try at least."

Nat rolled her eyes, still laughing. "I'll show you from here. We'll start simple, just go in a straight line, then once you've got that we can add the spinning."

He nodded, copying her movements exactly, standing on his own feet occasionally but in essence getting it. "Ok, I think I got the weird step-to-step thing."

Nat nodded, turning to face George and getting in position. "So try with me. Otherwise, you're going to fall over your date."

He grinned, "the only falling I'm gonna do is for her."

Joke's on Me | George Weasley | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now