chapter 19 - cutting in

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Natalia took a deep breath, staring at herself in the mirror. The Yule Ball was minutes from starting and yet she couldn't tear herself away.
Though, it wasn't because of her vanity, as Pansy was no doubt telling Draco. Natalia had never once thought she looked like her mother until that moment, her hair a mess of curls all held together miraculously by bobby pins and magic, high cheekbones accentuated and the dress...

Well, Natalia knew she often had the same sense of style as her mother had at Hogwarts from the strange looks she often got from McGonagall and Dumbledore, but this would make them more concerned.

She appeared at the top of the stairs, wand in hand, not really sure what Draco would say. He'd only ever seen photos of her mum before, from the Manor, from her own childhood keepsakes...

"Oh- Natalia." Blaise breathed, nudging Draco.

He turned and stared, smiling as she walked towards him, thankful she'd chosen flats instead of heels. "You look beautiful."

"I look like my mother." She whispered, but he ignored her and offered his arm. She accepted, much to Pansy's annoyance (Nat thought she was secretly hoping she'd changed her mind) and they made their way to the Great Hall.

She could feel Blaise checking her out, but she was just focused on keeping a brave face in the madness that was about to ensue.

"Ah, Mr Malfoy." Snape gave his half-smirk as the group arrived. Natalia tried not to notice his eyes widening as his eyes landed on her. "Daph-" He cleared his throat. "Miss White."

Natalia had almost forgotten Snape used to be a death eater. "Professor." She refused to meet his gaze, dragging Draco along with her through to the Hall.

They reached the doors, greeting Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore, both of whom turned a significantly paler shade when they first saw her.

"Apparently people here really do think you look like her," Draco murmured to her, keeping his voice low.

"Why did you think I was standing in front of the mirror for so long?" Natalia wasn't sure how she felt about it, if she was honest. Her mother was beautiful, before she went slightly insane in Azkaban, Natalia would admit. But... well. She wasn't sure she wanted to be associated with the Rosier family.

They joined the other students welcoming in the Champions, cheering and smiling.

Natalia thought for a brief moment she saw George staring at her, but when she looked again it was just some other kid she didn't recognise. The dance started, and after a minute, everyone else started joining, Nat accepting Draco's arm and going to the dance floor.

"You really do look beautiful." Draco smirked.

Natalia blushed. "Thanks."

The dance ended, going into The Weird Sisters, resulting in everyone screaming and rushing the dance floor.


The end of the night drew closer, and Draco and Natalia stood by the side watching others dance another Waltz.

"May I borrow you for a dance?" Someone tapped Natalia on the shoulder and she turned to face someone in Durmstrang robes, though he was lacking in accent.

"Um, yeah." She curtseyed a little, taking his hand, turning to shoot Draco a confused look only too see him giving her the same one.

He led her to the floor, easily positioning the both of them, taking her hand in his. "I do love a good waltz."

Natalia smiled, "it's one of my favourites. Where's your partner?"

He smiled, and for a moment it seemed familiar. "Tired, gone to bed. Not that I'm complaining, as then I couldn't dance with you."

Nat blushed, not saying anything more.

"You look beautiful today."

Natalia thanked him, noting how he was perfectly on time with everything. All too soon, it was over, and suddenly Blaise was cutting in.

"Oh Jesus, not you too." She laughed, settling with him for a slow dance. "Where's Pansy?"

"Pissed that Draco hasn't danced with her." He rolled his eyes. "Where's Draco?"

Nat made eye contact with him across the room, noting his questioning look. "Staring at us wondering what the hell we're doing."

"Well," Blaise chuckled, "I'm asking - officially - if you would like to go on a date with me."

Natalia nearly stopped breathing. "Blaise-" She took a deep breath, a thousand thoughts going through her mind in the ten seconds it took her to reach an answer. "Yes. Yeah, I'll go on a date with you."


"You seem surprised."

"I am. I wasn't-" He smiled nervously. "Well, I've been flirting with you for about a year and had nothing back."

Natalia smiled a little. "Well I was a little preoccupied with dementors last year, I've just managed to settle in this year, and yeah. I'd like to date you."

He smiled, kissing her cheek lightly as the song ended. "Well then, I bid you goodnight. I'd walk you, but I know Draco wants another dance with you before it ends."

Natalia nodded, looking down before smiling and waving him off, turning to Draco looking like a deer caught in headlights. "Blaise just asked me out."

Draco nearly tripped, making Natalia reach out with a squeak. "You said no, right?"

She rolled her eyes. "No."

He stared at her for a second. "You said yes?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Well, it's Blaise, he's nice, good-looking, probably won't care about my family issues. Plus, I know everyone will approve, and we both know how important that is."

Draco simply sighed, drawing her in for a hug, not really saying anything she expected him to. Not really saying anything at all.

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