chapter 19 - safety precautions

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As OWLs drew nearer, Natalia was becoming more and more anxious about the exams, to the point she no longer spent her nights out in the rain relaxing and staring out over the water thinking about her mother, but studying and attempting to get at least some charms right before she had to perform in front of too many people for her to be comfortable. 
Plus her mother would probably define her worth over these results, at least until the NEWT exams. If they were even able to take their NEWT exams.

George hardly spoke to her outside classes, at her instruction, and never in front of any other Slytherins, including Lily and Draco, so the only real time they were ever really able to spend together was outside under the cover of the night sky. 

He joined her, grinning at the textbook she was trying to memorise. "Natalia White, how can I help you?"

"By doing my charms homework before I cry?" She smiled up at him innocently, making him laugh and cast a few charms on the grass before sitting beside her. 

"Nat, Nat, Nat," he shook his head, "that's not going to happen."

She sighed shrugging her shoulders. "It was worth a shot." 

George grinned, gently pulling her textbook out of her hands before giving it a cursory glance and wrinkling his nose slightly. "This isn't English." 

Nat rolled her eyes, "it's my runes textbook." 

He nodded, letting it fall to the floor. "Remind me never to get on your bad side, you might sacrifice me to some ancient gods."

"You were on my bad side for nearly four years and I never even tried to sacrifice you."

He stared at her, slightly in horror, slightly stunned. "Good to know you can do that then." 

She laughed, making him giggle nervously, relaxing a little more into his chest.

"I-" He cleared his throat, and Natalia suddenly became aware of his racing heartrate and fidgeting. She wondered how she hadn't spotted it before, she was usually good with things like that when it came to George. Well, both of the twins really, but especially George. "I need to tell you something."

She sat up, moving slightly away from him, a thousand possible scenarios running through her head in the space of about a second. 

"So me and Fred, we were thinking about our academics, and we think our talents probably lie outside of... well, academics."

Natalia frowned, confused as to where he was going.

"So we're leaving school. With Dumbledore now gone, and our never really succeeding in many subjects, there's no reason for us to stay here."

Natalia felt as though she'd been slapped. "Ouch," she whispered, too quiet for him to hear. 

"Well," George looked down, blushing slightly, not meeting her gaze. "There's you, but I can't just... you understand?"

Natalia nodded. Unfortunately, she did. The twins could make a fortune - and already had - by selling their joke products and sweets, and everything in between, they definitely had enough money now for a shop in Diagon Alley. "I understand. So I suppose... I suppose this is it then."

George's head snapped up, eyes searching her face for any sign of irony or sarcasm, anything to indicate she wasn't serious about them parting ways or good. "Nat- I don't want to leave you."

Smiling, she said, "I know. But you don't exactly belong in an academic environment-"

"That's not what I mean." He shook his head, cutting her off. "I don't want to break up with you. This isn't me breaking up with you." 

It took a second for it to make sense in her head, but eventually, Natalia realised, "oh, so... you still like me?" 

George laughed, "yes, Natalia. I still like you. A lot. And, even with your mother back, I want to make a go of it. I want to see where we end up."

Nat blinked a few times. "I don't want to hurt you." 

"You won't."

"Daphne might." 

George shrugged, "I'll take that chance."

She grinned at him, her cheeks hurting from smiling so hard. "Oh!" her smile dropped off her face as she remembered something. "Just... I need to concentrate, hold on." She closed her eyes, picturing in her mind the box hidden under her mattress. "Accio!"
It took a few seconds, but eventually, the box landed in front on Nat, albeit a little messily.
"Well, at least I know I can do that charm." 

She pulled out two near-identical boxes, each with their own markings on them, and opened them facing George. 

"Watches? They look really expensive, Nat." George stared at her.

Nat smiled a little. "Well, it was worth the money because I've modified them. Look, you're a Weasley, and to every Death Eater family, you're blood traitors. I'm not naive, I know there will most likely be trouble for you guys, and I'm in a lot of bad people's good books. Watch," she glanced up at him before taking out the watch she'd had made for him. "It's a regular watch, tells the time, but if you press this button-" She demonstrated, pushing in the button on the side usually made for resetting the time "-I get a notice that you're in trouble." She showed him her bracelet that was glowing a faint red colour. 

"Why two?" George asked.

"Well, if one of you is in trouble without the other there's no use in only one of you having one is there? I wouldn't know if the other was in trouble."

"So, Fred-"

"Fred is your twin brother." Natalia smiled, forcing George to look at her. "Now I know I'm an only child, but I've seen the two of you together. There's no way I'm ever getting anyone hurt either of you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Natalia." George grinned as she slapped his arm. 

"Shush, and accept my gift to both of you." She laughed and he closed the boxes, packing them back into the bigger box.

"Thank you." He murmured, before closing the gap between the two and kissing her gently. "I'll have your charms homework ready by your class." 

Nat smiled, still not used to the feeling of butterflies or warmth in her stomach that appeared every time he kissed her. "You don't have to."

George grinned before kissing her again. 

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