chapter 15 - exactly what it looks like

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Natalia couldn't deny anything to Draco once he found her in the Slytherin common room brewing amortentia.

"For snake's sake Natalia." He sighed, making her jump.

"Jesus bloody Christ Malfoy!" Natalia turned to scold him before realising exactly what she was doing. She tried a smile, "it's- not what it looks like?"

He nodded, taking a seat on the sofa across from her. "So you're not brewing amortentia at three in the morning in the common room where anyone could come and find you."

Nat smiled, a little forced admittedly, not moving. "No."

He sighed, rolling his eyes, "so are you going to tell me what's going on or am I just going to have to guess?"

Not entirely sure if Draco was kidding or not, Natalia said, "guess, because I'm not sure how bad this looks."

"Well then I'd say you somehow got into the Weasel twins' debt and now they're exploiting your gifts of potions and curses for their dumb pranks."

Natalia blinked.

"I say guess, I really mean I figured out you needed their help to put Pansy in her place because there's no way you would have ever thought of half of those ideas by yourself and they were basically trademarked Weasley pranks," Draco smirked as Natalia blushed.

"First of all, if you knew why didn't you say something instead of making me sneak around and lie to you? Second, it might be more than that." She refused to look him in the eye.

Draco leaned forward. "What do you mean more?" His tone dropped, eyes glinting. Natalia had only seen this look when he first found out one of the Slytherins had been selling rumours about Natalia's family and Draco's connection, and it was terrifying to be on the other end of it.

"Nothing-" she swallowed. "-Nothing inherently bad just nothing really... good."

They sat in silence, Draco now leaning back staring her down and Natalia trying to busy herself with the potion, trying to get it right. Advanced potions were a little trickier, with their temperamentality, though she seemed to be getting along with it just fine.
"He's helping me with charms."

Draco sucked in a breath, grey eyes hardening to stone. "Who."

She looked up at him, expression guarded, not sure how he was going to react. Her knuckled turned white as she gripped her wand, ready to use any number of hexes or curses to stop him flying off the handle. "George."

Silence settled in once more. Draco's eyes still stone-cold, Natalia daring him to try anything.

"George Weasley." Eventually, he gave in, resting his elbows on his knees, his chin in his hands. "George fucking Weasley. I should have guessed." He laughed, but it sounded off, not quite genuine. Somewhere in between disbelief and relief.

"Draco?" Nat loosened her grip, a little confused by his reaction.

"Well, at least you know it can't ever..." He made some vague hand gestures. "Well, nothing can really come of it, especially because of your mother. And my parents would go insane if you mentioned even talking to a Weasley in a civil manner."

Draco was right, Natalia had thought of all of his points, knew it was futile, but still.


"You can say it out loud Natalia. That was it makes it less daunting." He smiled.

"I think I might like George." She mumbled, covering her face with her hands. She spelled the potion, taking the heat off as it should - in theory - be ready.

Draco sighed, "come over here. Don't argue with me, Natalia White."

She closed her mouth, climbing over the table and sat next to him, curling into his side.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, her head resting on his chest, breathing in sync. "If you want to continue working with them for these dumb prank ideas, go ahead. I'll be here for you when someone decides to say something ok?"

Natalia laughed, "I can take care of myself Draco."

He grinned pulling away to look at her, "I know. But who else will cheer you on when you're using banned curses on students?"

They laughed, settling together.

"What does it smell like to you?" Natalia whispered.

Draco raised an eyebrow before inhaling deeply. "Tea, slightly sweetened. Lemongrass, and ink." He exhaled slowly, not really entirely sure where the lemongrass came from. Maybe the gardens back home. "You?"

Natalia smiled softly. "Bonfire night, toffee. Rain."
She wasn't particularly surprised at rain or bonfire night, but toffee was new.

Draco looked at her, a little confused. "Bonfire night?"

Natalia froze, turning to stare at Draco in shock, horror, and excitement. "You don't know what Bonfire night is?" He shook his head. "I'm teaching you." She giggled, and Draco wondered if he'd made a mistake telling her.

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