chapter 18 - manic

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When Natalia turned up in their corner of the library with her fists clenched, her face completely set in stone, Draco knew something had happened.

"What the hell?" He muttered, silently cursing himself for speaking like a muggle. Natalia really was rubbing off on him.

She sat, staring at everyone in the library. "I will not cry over a boy. And a Weasley at that."

"What happened?" He turned to her, making more room for her on the bench.

"Not here." She mumbled, standing again, and he swept his books into his bag to follow her, the crowds in the corridors parting for them like the Red Sea, no one wanting to get in the way of the girl with murder written on her face, and Malfoy, whose dad, as everyone knew, was stupidly rich and could probably buy Natalia out of Azkaban if he so wished.

Eventually, they reached the astronomy tower, Natalia taking her usual place on the window ledge, Draco this time not entirely sure she wasn't about to pitch herself off it.

"He-" She choked on her words a little. "He kissed me."

Draco nearly fell over, his bag dropping to the floor with a thud. "He did what?" His voice was nothing more than a low growl.

Natalia couldn't bring herself to say it again, shoulders hunched, staring at her feet dangling over the edge. "I figured out what he meant by 'joke's on me'." She turned to him, straddling the ledge. "He said.. what he said didn't matter. It was meant to confuse me, make me fall, make me-"

Draco placed a hand on her arm, steadying her, but backed away just as quickly as soon as she was ok. There was nothing worse than getting in the way of Natalia when she was upset.

"But he was wrong." Nat started laughing manically. "Joke's on me!" She stopped laughing, sobering up pretty quickly, dropping her voice to a whisper. "Joke's on me, Georgie."

Draco took a deep breath. "Do you want to practise curses in the forbidden forest again?"

Natalia grinned, but it wasn't something Draco liked. It seemed dangerous, and for a second he regretted asking. "Always, Draco."

Joke's on Me | George Weasley | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now