chapter 14 - bets

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Natalia had already made a whole network of bets before the day of the first task, knowing what the first task was and what kind of power Harry really possessed.
Draco of course didn't care. Not that Natalia minded him not caring, but he was such a drag about it sometimes.

"Really, I don't know how you could possibly think Potter of all people could beat a fucking dragon." Pansy laughed at her, placing her bet with Natalia despite Blaise's warnings about what would happen.

Nat just smiled, and thanked her for her bet, settling into her seat next to Blaise, who wasn't shy in his attempts of physical affection or flirting.

Of course, Natalia would never admit what she really thought of Harry Potter - not in front of anyone except maybe her cat. Granted it was annoying that every year the whole world seemed to revolve around him, but by God did he have power. More than she did, definitely, and probably more than Draco. Well, in the school-taught stuff, anyway.

Of course, he was such a dipshit that he only really thought he was good at once thing, which Natalia had accounted for. Well, that and she was in the library trying to figure out how to steal a few books on runes from the restricted section when she'd heard Hermione talking strategies with him. But no one needed to know that.

"You know," Blaise draped an arm over her shoulders, "you could afford a pretty nice outfit with those winnings. I could take you to Hogsmede and we could try a few things, see what works."

She smiled, not entirely sure how to feel about it. "I'll think about it, see how much I win."
Blaise was a good friend, she'd admit, but did she really see him as boyfriend material? She could do worse, she'd admit, but Natalia always found herself wanting excitement in her life, and she wasn't sure she'd get that from Blaise. A bit of fun, sure, but not anything exciting or permanent.

Draco swapped seats with Pansy to talk to Natalia, noticing how she was huddled into herself against the cold. "Natalia, for Merlin's sake." He muttered a heating spell under his breath for her, and she smiled as it set in. It wasn't as comforting as George's, but this felt like home. Well, the Manor, which was basically home to her now anyway.

She thanked him, relaxing a little, which she immediately regretted as she didn't want to give Blaise the wrong idea.

"Anyway, dad wrote to me and he wants to know if you want any money out of your vault. For-" he lowered his voice, "-for the Ball."

Natalia started answering then stopped. "Can I give you an answer after I win this stupid amount of money? If I lose obviously then yes, but if not then it shouldn't be too much."
She'd forgotten that people not from stupidly upper-class rich pureblood families didn't know about the Yule Ball. Plus, the fact that Harry Potter was a champion meant that those in fourth year were practically expected to go - not that she'd have missed it if it meant she had to sneak in, but that wasn't the point.

Draco nodded, raising an eyebrow, flicking his gaze to Blaise then back at Natalia.

"Oh shush, you're just jealous." She stuck her tongue out at him, curling into Blaise's side much to his surprise and Draco's amusement.

"If that's what you want to call it." He smirked, turning his attention back to the empty arena. "But it looks like you're losing anyway, Potter's disappeared. Told you he'd die on the first task."

Nat rolled her eyes before noticing Pansy's smug expression. "The task isn't over yet, he'll turn up."
She really needed to stop letting her get under her skin, but she couldn't help it. Pansy really was good for nothing and thought she was the main character everywhere she went - which, if everyone was honest, she was at best a background dancer without any credit at the end of the music video.

They waited, hearing the fading roar of the Hungarian horntail, everyone holding their breath.

And then came bloody Harry Potter on his smouldering broom looking as though he'd gone half-way to timbuktu and back.

"And there we go." Natalia laughed as everyone cheered.

Pansy sat back and sulked, much to the annoyance of literally everyone in the vicinity.

Natalia grinned in victory, knowing full well she was set to come into quite a nice amount of money from those bets.

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