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Axle's POV

I ran on top of the roofs of the lower level buildings. I heard Police sirens heading toward where Cultist Nivik ran into an "unfortunate Accident". Only 11 more Cultists to send to their demise. Zafar and Nivik are gone, but in order to destroy the entire cult, I need to get to Kamara. That traitor had me murdered. Thankfully, the Daughter from Mortis saved me again. That's two I owe her. She first gives me her lifeforce so I could be resurrected when Ahsoka killed me on Mortis and now she saved me again after I died in the hands of Zafar. 

I made it to an old abandoned building where I called my new temporary home. I parkour climbed up the tall building until I came to the window that lead to my dorm. I climbed in and as quick as lightning, a vibroknife stopped right next to my neck, "Tell me. Did you kill Cultist Nivik?" I sighed, "Yes Master Windu. I did." He threw the knife into the wall across the room. "DANK FERIK, AXLE!!!" Windu bursted out in anger. I removed my hood, "That man was not innocent. He works for Kamara." Windu grit his teeth, "But you killed an unarmed man. You broke a strictly enforced rule within the Jedi order. You should have had the authorities handle him." "Remember Master I am no longer a Jedi. I left to be trained as a Gray Jedi. And the authorities don't handle this stuff." I explained, "Hell the Republic completely forgot about the whole incident where I took a goddamn blaster bolt to the head and lived. They also forgot that the entire senate including the Supreme Chancellor was held hostage by Zafar. And they were about to assassinate Ahsoka in front of them all." Master Windu sighed and sat down, "So what will you do now?"

 I walked over to where the vibroknife was stuck in the wall. It came from my own stash of weapons. It was the same knife I got from the arena on Ruusan. From the Black Demon. I grabbed it and pulled it out of the wall, "I will hunt them down. I will hunt them all down. Until there is no one left to harm the Wolves of the Force." "Axle, you are not an assassin." Windu responded.  I sighed again and faced him, "Then what am I hmm? I am no longer your apprentice. I am no longer a Jedi. I am a Gray Jedi, but that doesn't mean I follow the code. I do what I want, but still follow the true path of the Jedi. In the end I follow no rules. If I see that there is a threat to the prophecy, I must act. And right now this cult is the biggest threat out there if they continue to grow. I will find Kamara, and I will kill him." Windu strook his chin and looked out the window, "Fine. If you want the names of the Cultists, go the Republic prison complex. There is a prisoner named Yuma. He's a Trandoshan hunter. I suspect you already know how to make him talk." I nodded, "I know what to do. And Master," Windu stopped a few feet away from the door and turned around as I continued, "Tell Ahsoka I'm alright." He seemed kind of confused at the request, but nodded and walked off.

 I sat down and pulled out the Jedi and Sith holocron from my bag. I opened them up and they slammed together creating a blur around the room. I opened my eyes and I appeared in the force gateway. "Master Ellisia, I have returned." I said. Ellisia appeared and smiled, "Welcome back my apprentice. What would you like to learn?" I was a little surprised, "I get to choose what I am taught?" She nodded, "Yes of course. Unlike the Jedi or Sith, Gray Jedi are allowed to choose their own teachings." I grinned and thought for a moment, "If I'm no longer a Jedi, I could learn dark side force abilities?" Ellisia nodded again, "Yes." "I remember on Malachor I used force lighting. Could I learn how to control my power enough to use that skill again?" "In order to do this you must gain control of your hatred and fear. Feel the electricity in your blood. But I warn you, do not let your hatred go too far or you will be lost to the darkness." 

I woke up in my room and stood up. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. Remember what Ellisia said. The thought of Revan's blade piercing Ahsoka's stomach moved through my mind. My hatred for Revan and fear of losing Ahsoka was flowing my my veins. I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands. Nothing. My hands looked normal. I was a little confused. I turned to the wall. I shrugged and clenched my fist again. I slammed my fist into the wall and a huge electric burst exploded the concrete. Lightning flowed up and down my arm. Damn that was awesome. 

Cold Blooded (Ahsoka X Axle)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ