Shadow Legion

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Axle's POV
I walked out of the burning buildings the Cultists were hiding in. I felt more powerful than I ever have before. It felt amazing getting revenge on the people who tried to kill Ahsoka. But I want Kamara. I want him on his knees as I slowly take his head off. I will make sure Ahsoka is never hurt again.

I entered an alleyway and knelt down, "It is done, my Master." Revan slowly emerged from my chest, "Good. The message has been sent to the entire galaxy. We shall build an empire to rival both the Republic and Separatists." I stood up and looked away again, "Like I said before, I only want to protect Ahsoka." Revan grunted, "And I said we will need power to control the chaos. By doing so, Ahsoka will be safe." "But you want to build a big enough army to fight against the two most powerful factions in the galaxy. That's not what I signed up for." I replied, crossing my arms. Revan screamed and grabbed my arm, "If you want Ahsoka safe, then you will listen to me! You will do what I say when I say or I promise Ahsoka will die in front of you." I clenched me fist, "Yes, Master." Revan let go of me, "Now, go recruit our forces. It is time we build."

Jax's POV

I walked into the armory as Kalir and Quin were preparing for the mission. "You really think Axle would betray us?" Quin asked. I sighed and shook my head, "I don't know. That transmission was very scary. Did you see how Ahsoka took it? She was in tears." Kalir nodded, "I feel bad for her. It was bad enough she had to deal with Axle leaving her side, but now she saw the darkness in him. I just hope he isn't too far gone."

We are walked through the hangar and into a gunship. I felt the ship drop out of hyperspace and the gunship lifted off.

I stood in front of the drop ship, "Alright, boys. Our immediate objective is to clear innocents away from the scene. But, our ultimate objective is to find Axle and capture him. If we fail, Axle will continue to build an army to fight against anyone who threatens him. Remember, Axle has been corrupted by the dark side. He has become a lot more powerful and skilled so stay sharp." "He was already the most skilled out of all of us. And now he's even stronger? How are we going to take him down?" Kalir asked. I took in a deep breath, "Just like how Axle led us. We do this together."

The gunship doors opened and we stared down at Theed. A quarter of the city was on fire and screams could be heard all around. "Oh.....This should be fun." Quin joked out of panic.

Axle's POV

I walked the burning streets. People were running and screaming. Criminals killed and stole. Who knew there were this many thugs on a planet such as Naboo? It goes to show that even the most respected population can fall with one move. A group of these killers walked up to me, "Last time I checked, you were a respected Jedi in the Republic. How the mighty have fallen." They laughed at me. I slowly got closer to them, "Oh on the contrary." I ignited my saber and stabbed one of the thugs right in the stomach. He groaned in pain and fell to the ground. "I have never been more powerful. Now, the Republic has called to prevent the Separatists separation, therefore prove they can not protect the galaxy. I on the other hand, have seen the future and I know how to stop ALL threats to the true victims of this war. The civilians." The group looked down at their dead friend, "Freddy never knew what it takes to start a revolution. You do, Commander Tinguard." I smirked, "It will take strength to show the Republic they are no longer in control. I do not have the man power to create a powerful threat against the tyrannical government." The lead thug smirked, "We both see the false of the Republic. I think we can be valuable to your cause, sir." "What is your name?" I asked. "Dason. Dason Yugama." He answered. I smirked again, "Dason. Welcome to the Shadow Legion, my new Lieutenant." He grinned, "Thank you, Commander Tinguard." I shook my head, "I am no longer Axle Tinguard." "Then what shall I call you?" Dason asked. I thought for a moment, "'la kal."

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