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Jax's POV

The gunship landed next to some of the burning buildings Axle and his followers burned down. The three of us jumped off the ship and looked around. "I still can't believe Axle would do this." Quin said, looking inside the flames of what was left of a house. Kalir shook his head, "Remeber what Master Windu told us. Axle might be corrupted by a dark side spirit." I grit my teeth, "I still can't believe the council never told anyone that Axle was Revan's bloodline. Knowing that might have saved him."

"Oh really?!" A strong voice said behind us. We turned around to see Axle with burning yellow eyes and dark black robes. His hood covered most of his face, but his eyes were on fire like flames were burning inside his body. We all stared at him in fear. He tightened his gripped fist, "You are afraid? Good. You should be. I assume Master Windu sent you to deal with me?" I stuttered a little, "We came to bring you home, Axle." "THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!!" He lashed out. The three of us backed up a little. "Then, who are you?" Kalir responded. Axle laughed, "I am Shev'la kal. Master of the Shadows. And YOU are in my way."

He ignited his saber and slowly walked towards us, "I ask you this one time: Step aside and I won't hurt you." I slowly reached for my saber, "Come on, man. We don't wanna fight you." He paused. Standing there right in front of us, looking to Kalir, then me, then Quin. He turned back to me and I could feel his hand tightening around the hilt of his blade.

I quickly ignited me saber as his came swinging down at me. Quin and Kalir ignited their lightsabers and attacked.

All three of our blades clashed against Axle's. But he was too fast. He force pushed me away and zapped Kalir with force lightning. Quin was all on his own. I tried to sit up after crashing into a burning wall. Quin was really struggling with Axle. I tried to get up, but I looked down to see that my leg popped out of its socket. Kalir was knocked out cold by the force lightning. I looked back at Quin who was pushed back more and more.

Finally, Axle managed to break Quin's defenses. I watched in horror as Axle swung his blade hard. Quin screamed in unimaginable pain. His arm was cut clean off his body. Quin fell to the ground groaning in pain. He tried to crawl away. Axle raised his blade to finish him off. His blade came down and I had no time to think. I threw my saber at him and it managed to block Axle's blade. He looked at me in anger, but then something changed. His eyes started to flicker blue. But Axle's eyes were normally brown, not blue. He disengaged his saber and fumbled backwards.

"No." He whispered, "NO!" His scream echoed through the streets. He fell against some debris, "SATELE!!! SATELE!!!" He kept repeating that name. I crawled over to Quin as Axle was disillusioned. "It burns, Jax! It really burns!" Quin sobbed. I held his other hand. I got onto my commlink, "Pilot, we need immediate extraction. I've got two men down and I'm injured myself. Hurry!" "Understood, Commander. We're 10 seconds out." The pilot responded.

I looked back over to where Axle was, but he was gone. I sighed and looked back at Quin still groaning in pain.


Ahsoka's POV

I laid on my bed and cried to myself. Anakin can't keep me here. Axle needs me. He's out there doing someone else's bidding and under the control of an evil dark side spirit. I looked to one side of the bed where Axle used to lay. I miss him so much. He left the Jedi order to track down Palpatine and reveal his identity, but he became a servant of the darkness.

Someone knocked on my door and I sat up, "Come in." Anakin opened the door and sat down next to me, "Hey, Snips. How are you feeling?" I whipped my tears away so he didn't know I was crying, but I could tell he already knew. "I just can't believe Axle would do this. Those men he killed on the holo-net weren't innocent, but the shear brutality of it was unbearable. That wasn't like him at all." Anakin sighed, "Ahsoka, I feel like I should tell you something I should have told you a long time ago." I looked up at him with sad eyes, waiting for what he was about to say. Did he know about me and Axle? Anakin held my hand, "Ahsoka,....Axle's ancestor is Grand Master Revan from the Old Republic era...Only, his dark side is the only spirit that still lives. Revan's light side spirit is unknown." My jaw dropped and I began to cry again, "So..So Axle is being possessed by Revan? And no one ever told me about Axle's bloodline? Did Axle even know this?" Anakin gave another side, "No. The council were the only people that knew about Axle's ancestry." I covered my face with my hands, "I can't believe this. How could the council do that to him?!" "Ahsoka..." Anakin started, but I got up and walked out of the room.

I speed walked through the temple halls, looking down and holding my chest in my arms. I could feel my anger building up. The council has made too many mistakes. Axle is out there and I need to find him.

I walked into the hangar only to see a gunship come speeding in. The doors opened and clone medics quickly rushed out carrying Jax, Kalir and Quin. I ran over to them and I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands when I saw Quin. His arm was completely gone. Jax's leg was messed up and Kalir looked like he was in shock. "What happened?!" I managed to get out. Jax sighed and looked down, "Axle....Axle is more dangerous than we thought. He almost killed all three of us." I almost fell to the floor from those words. "Ahsoka, you need to stay away from him. Stay here where it's safe." Jax turned away and the clone's helped him to the medical center.

This has gone too far. None of my Masters will let me leave, but there is someone who will. I activated my commlink. "What is it, Commander?" Rex answered. "Rex, I need the clearance codes for the hangar doors." I replied. Rex sighed, "You're going awall, aren't you?" I took in a deep breath, "I have to find him, Rex. I know I can save him." Rex paused for a few seconds, "Alright, kid. The clearance code is 597. Good luck." The transmission ended and I jumped into my starfighter. The hangar doors opened and I burst out of the temple.


Axle's POV

I sat in the dark corner of a cantina. My head ached and my eyes burned. They kept changing from yellow to blue. The yellow fire erupts and the blue water extinguishes it. I drank some spotchka from my glass.

Dason walked over to me, "Some mercenaries said they would work for us if we pay them enough." I took another shot of spotchka, "Tell them they'll get their money. And I know just how to get it."

Dason walked away and left me alone. A voice echoed in my head, "Why are you doing this?!" Revan answered back, "I will teach him who he really is!" The voice got louder, "Axle is not like you. He never will be. Let go of your control over him!" It was Satele. Revan screamed in anger. My eyes finally stopped changing colors. I felt a wave of relief wash over my body. Looks like Satele is trying to hold Revan back. I hope she can keep it up until I get back to the temple.

I couldn't stop thinking about what I did to Jax, Quin and Kalir. The terror in Quin's eyes as I cut his arm off. How could I do that? I almost killed him. He trusted me and I took his arm off. I need to find Master Windu before Revan comes back.

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