Locked Away

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Axle's POV

I woke up in a smaller, more familiar cell. I sat up to notice I was in the came jail cell that were on Republic Venator Class Star Destroyers.

I looked through the red ray shield to see two Coruscant Guard Shock Troopers guarding the doorway. Footsteps echoed through the metal walls as Admiral Tarkin walked up to the ray shield. We both gave each other an angry stare.

"First Commander Tinguard, you are now under the arrest of the Grand Army of the Republic for crimes against the government and manslaughter. We are heading back to Coruscant for your trial. That broadcast showing you kill those five unarmed men has already convinced the Senate that you are guilty of these charges. You will be put into a holding cell until the Chancellor calls the next trial for your sentencing." Tarkin said with a strong voice.

I looked around the cell. The sink and toilet were fairly small and out in the open. I took in a deep breath, "Not much privacy in these things, are there? You're enjoying seeing me locked up like this, aren't you?"

Tarkin grinned, "You are correct. Ever since you disobeyed General Krell's direct orders to stand down back on Felucia, I have been having great doubts of your loyalty to the Republic."

I rolled my eyes, "You're kidding, right? Krell was a traitor from the beginning and was finally silenced on Umbara. He left my men for dead and ordered me to leave them. Instead, the council granted me emergency jurisdiction which allowed me to go behind Krell's back without getting yelled at."

Tarkin squinted his eyes, "And that is another reason why the Jedi need to be removed from their military positions. They allowed you, a child, take control of entire battles. You should be sitting in a high school detention center rather than being out here."

I laughed, "That's the best insult you can come up with? A high school detention center?" "Don't get too comfortable. You will most likely be executed for your crimes by tomorrow. Good day, First Commander." Tarkin mocked as he walked away.

I sighed and walked over to the sink to wash my face with cold water. The water managed to put out the fire in my mind from all the hatred and anxiety. I looked into the mirror at myself. My eyes suddenly turned yellow, but Revan didn't take over my mind.

"You're where you belong, you know. In a jail cell." A voice in my head said. It wasn't Revan or Satele. It was Shev'la kal. My dark side personality.

I glared at myself and looked in my own yellow eyes, "How could you follow Revan? You're building an army full of idiots who couldn't rob candy from a baby so you can destroy a super powerful government." "Remember, I'm you. You know that the Republic is doing the galaxy wrong." Shev'la kal said. "I admit the Republic is flawed, but what your doing....It will cause even more instability. Revan will destroy this galaxy when it's already on the brink of collapse from the Clone War along with Maul's criminal underworld building up." I responded.

Shev'la kal sighed, "I'm not doing this for power or to take down the Republic. I'm doing this to find Kamara and make sure Ahsoka will never be put in danger." I splashed my face again with water, "Did you forget? Ahsoka can handle herself. She's not yours to save. She's not yours period. As much as we love Ahsoka, we CAN NOT let our emotions cloud our judgement. We may not be Jedi anymore, but that doesn't stop us from making the right choices." Shev'la kal paused and took in a large breath, "But, we already pledged ourselves to Revan back on Malachor." "We only pledged ourselves to make sure Ahsoka is safe. Well, she already is. She's almost a Jedi Knight just like we were. Revan is distracting us from going after Kamara. He is the one we need to catch to make sure that cult of dark ambitions never grows."

Shev'la kal didn't say anything for a little while. My eyes started to face back to their normal color. "It doesn't matter now. We'll be dead by this time tomorrow anyways." He said and my eyes returned to normal.

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