Trial and Error

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Ahsoka's POV

It's been 10 hours since Axle was brought to the Republic military prison on Coruscant. Master Skywalker told me to stay in my room, but I just couldn't listen. I slipped out during the cover of night and took a speeder to the prison complex.

The night sky and the cool wind against my face was a nice change of scenery. The bright lights of Coruscant's busy city looked gorgeous in the dark. I could see the prison in the distance as I grew closer to it. I didn't know what to expect if I do manage to see Axle. The picture of his fiery eyes burned in my brain. I just hope that Satele's plan works. When I get my hands on Revan, I will personally tear him apart.

I arrived at the prison complex and hopped out of my speeder. Several Coruscant Guards walked up to me. "Commander Tano? What are you doing here?" Sergeant Hound asked. I put my hands on my hips, "You know why, Sergeant. I won't be long." I walked past them and into the building.

The door to the command center and I was met by Commander Fox and his squad. "I'm here to see First Commander Tinguard." I said with a firm voice. Fox looked up from his data pad, "No one is allowed to see him right now. You'll have to wait until after the trial. That is, if he isn't given the death sentence."

I took another step towards him, "I don't think you heard me! I am here to see Axle!" "And I don't think you heard ME, Commander! NO ONE is allowed to see the First Commander!"

His words infuriated me. I grit my teeth and clenched my fist. The whole room started to shake. Two guards ignited their electro staffs and approached me, "Stand down, Commander!" I looked to both of them for a few seconds, then back to Fox.

Suddenly, I snapped. I force pushed the two guards into the wall and raised Fox off the ground. He groaned as he tried to fight, but it was useless.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I don't care if your orders came from the Chancellor himself. I am ORDERING YOU: LET......ME......IN!" After a few seconds, Fox finally gave in, "O....K......I'll take you to him..." I lowered my hand and the room stopped shaking. Fox dropped to the floor gasping for air.

I walked over to the two guards I pushed into the wall, "Sorry about that, boys." The two clones shrugged, "Hey, we get it, kid, we're just following orders. But did you have to push us that hard?" I scratched the back of my neck, "Sorry."

"If you want to see Commander Tinguard, place your weapons and commlink on the table." Fox said. I nodded and placed my lightsabers and commlink down.

Fox led me through the prison hallways with his squad as an escort. I looked around at the ray shielded cells to see a bunch of criminals in each one. Some of them gave me nasty looks, but I paid no attention to them.

I looked back at Fox, "I can sense a lot of hatred in you. And it's not directed towards me." Fox sighed, "All these criminals and thugs are here because of this damned war. My assignment is the most annoying job in the entire army and I don't appreciate how regular citizens always treat us clones as droids. I know not many people like me for the choices I make, but it's the Chancellor's orders that are relayed down to me. I don't much choice but to follow them."

I raised an eyebrow, "But....It wasn't the Chancellor's orders to lock Axle up. Axle ordered it himself."

Fox activated the door controls which lead to the hover transports, "First Commander Tinguard is a loose cannon. He disobeyed the chain of command multiple times and broke so many protocols, I've lost track. It's Jedi like him that need to be imprisoned. Whatever punishment awaits him, he deserves it."

I clenched my fist in anger. Fox doesn't even know that Axle's military record is one of the best. Countless victories and heroic sacrifices. Axle literally died for the Republic after being shot by Cultist Zafar. Thankfully, the gods of Mortis gave him another chance at life. I still can't get that image out of my head when I buried Axle's lifeless body that day. So many tears and not even a word.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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