The Next Target

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Axle's POV

I landed my speeder at the Republic prison complex on Coruscant. Some Coruscant guards walked over to me as I got out, "First Commander Tinguard? This is unexpected. What are you doing here, sir?" I looked around at all the guards and guns, "I'm here to see someone who can give me some information." The lead guard nodded, "Follow me."

We walked inside the complex and over to the check in station. On the other side of the glass, Commander Fox stood there waiting. "Commander, please leave your commlink and lightsaber here." He said. I nodded and unclipped my saber from my belt and turned it over. Fox continued to look at me. I rolled my eyes, "I don't have a commlink. I gave it to General Windu after I left the order." Fox barely moved as he waved to another guard who opened the ray shields. I followed more guards through the detention center.

We came to the cafe where thousands of prisoners dressed in orange uniforms ate their distasteful meals. The guards left as I continued walking forward. Almost everyone of the prisoners stopped what they were doing and looked directly at me. I could hear one of the prisoners whispering, "That's him. The Republic First Commander. I heard he killed one hundred fully armed men in a room with nothing but his bare hands." "I never believed it." Said another. Many others started whispering to each other. I could hear almost all of them. "I heard he got that scar on his face from General Grievous himself." "I heard he fought Count Dooku and defeated him in single combat." "I heard he saved over a thousand men by fighting his own superior." "Really? That kid did all of that?" All the voices kept coming, but I stopped paying attention.

I walked over to a table and sat down. I knew I was looking for Yuman, but I think it'd be more fitting if he came to me. Since I'm a huge target, it won't be hard to find someone who knows about the very people who want me dead.

"Axle Tinguard!" Someone yelled. I know that voice, "Well what a surprise. How you doin, Bane? Are you still mad that Master Kenobi fooled you again by posing as a bounty hunter? I gotta say your reaction was hysterical." Bane grit his teeth and approached me, "I'm going to kill you, kid!!!" He threw a punch, but I quickly grabbed his hand and twisted it back. He cried out in pain. "I'm not here for you, Bane. Just walk away." He gave a look around at the other prisoners. He then decided to throw another punch, but I was ready and channeled my power in my fist. Lightning flowed through my veins and when I smacked his stomach, the lighting shocked him hard and he went flying into a table. Some clones started yelling, "HEY, WHAT'S GOING ON DOWN THERE!!?" I looked up at them, "Calm down dude. Just making sure no one breaks any rules." The guard nodded and walked back to his post.

"You got some moves, kid." A deep voice said behind me. I turned to see a Trandoshan standing right there. "Yuman?" I asked. He nodded, "What's it to ya?" I outstretched my hand toward the table I was currently sitting at, "Please, have a seat. I think you have some information that would be useful to me." He paused for a long while, but then slowly sat down. The other prisoners were still shocked on how easily I was able to take Bane down.

Once everyone stopped staring, I began, "I'm looking for someone who wants me and a close friend of mine dead." Yuman chuckled, "Half the people in this room want you dead. Be more specific." I sighed, "I'm looking for a rogue Jedi named Kamara. I hear you might know where he is." "Kamara? Hmmm, I don't know where he is, but I know some of his followers who might know where he is." Yuman answered. "Who?" I asked. Yuman grunted, "That information will cost you big time." I sighed again, "What do you want? To get out of jail?" Yuman chuckled again, "If I tell you the information you want to know, the same people who want you dead will want me dead. I'm staying in prison for my own safety." "Then what do you want?" I asked again. Yuman grinned, "If you want the information, then fight me for it. No force powers. No weapons. Just your body." I thought for a moment, "Deal."

More prisoners made a circle around us both. Yuman and I walked to opposite sides of the circle. I closed my eyes and took in deep breathes. Yuman let out a scaley roar and charged me. My eyes snapped open and I quickly flipped over him. The prisoners moved out of the way as Yuman crashed into the metal wall. He hit the ground and held his head in pain. I crossed my arms, "Come on man, I don't got all day." Yuman jumped up and threw punches at me. He was slow, but certainly not sloppy. The charge he did was just to catch me off guard. I blocked his punches with ease, then counter-attacked him with a kick-flip. My foot smashed into his glass jaw and he fell to the ground again. All the prisoners cheered as we kept on fighting.

Commander Fox and a squad of his men rushed in, "THAT'S ENOUGH!!! EVERYBODY CLEAR OUT NOW!!!" I walked up to Fox with a serious face, "Fox, get your men out of here. That's an order." He shook his head, "Your time is up, Commander. I take orders from someone much higher than you. Now grab your things and leave." I faced Yuman once again. He grinned, "Looks like you won't get what you want after all, Jedi." I gave a sarcastic smile, then force pushed him into the wall. I clenched his throat through the force. Fox and his men aimed their weapons at me, "COMMANDER, LET HIM GO!!!" I looked back at them, "If you really want to stop me, shot me." They stood still as I turned back to Yuman. "Give me what I want. Now!" Yuman coughed and scratched at his neck, "" I released my grip on him and he fell to the ground moaning in pain.

I turned towards the exit, but gave Fox another angered glare before leaving the complex. Yuman said there are five cultits on Naboo. I never would have guessed any of them would be on that planet. It's time I get more blood on my hands.

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