Mutual Understanding

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Axle's POV

I removed my hood and ran towards the cantina door, but Dason stopped me, "My lord, where are you going?" I looked around for a quick answer, "I....have some personal matters to attend to." "But what about the money? If we are to get more muscle on our side, we need the credits. And, it wouldn't hurt to gain some wealth personally as well." Dason replied. I grit my teeth, "We'll get the credits later. I must go, NOW!" Dason seemed to flinch hard from that and he backed away.

I ran outside and squinted my eyes at the bright sunlight. I had to get to a transmission terminal or something to communicate with to contact Master Windu. Theed is a big city. There has to be something around here.

"HEY!!! IT'S HIM!!!" A voice yelled behind me. I turned around to see a group of police officers running at me, "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!" My eyes widened, "Karabast!" I took off running in the other direction. The officers didn't stop chasing me. They screamed at me to try and get me to give up, but I didn't. I didn't have time for this. There was only one person who could help me get back to Master Windu.

I continued running around the city, but I couldn't lose the authorities. I could see the palace in the distance. I just hope Padme is here, otherwise I'm screwed. Police speeders joined in the chase. I jumped on top of one and back flipped off of it to give me extra air. I landed on the roof of a building and continued running. I could hear gunships in the distance and they came into view seconds later. They were piloted by local defense forces instead of clones. That makes it more difficult.

I was running g out of roof and didn't have really any other choice. I jumped over to the gunship and landed on top of the cockpit. The pilot screamed and came to a quick stop. I jumped off of it and landed down back on the ground.

I was almost to the palace when I heard a bunch of blaster shots behind me. I quickly ignited my single green saber and deflected incoming stun rounds. Civilians took cover from the streets as more and more police started to surround me. Gunships descended on my position, but there was no where to go. There were too many to evade. I detached my shoot blade from my single blade and ignited it.

Stun rounds came from all sides. I deflected them and flipped over some, but it was pointless. "I'M NOT GOING TO HURT ANY OF YOU!!!" I screamed. "TELL THAT TO THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MURDERED!!!" An officer responds. I deflected more stun rounds, "THAT WASN'T ME!!! I JUST NEED TO GET TO GENERAL MACE WINDU!!! HE'LL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING!!!" The officer shook his head, "NO!!! YOU WILL BE TAKEN INTO OUR CUSTODY!!!" I didn't try to argue any more.

After a long few minutes, the first stun round hit me in the back. I was dazed from the hit, but continued to defend myself. Another stun round hit me in the side and I fell to one knee. My lungs gasped for air. Another stun round hit me. And then another. And then another. I felt my sabers disengage and slip out of my hands. My body slowly collapsed to the ground and everything went dark. But apparently, I could still hear as a loud voice screamed above the sound of the blasters, "HOLD YOUR FIRE THIS INSTANT!!!" I recognized that voice. It was Padme.

The blasters stopped shooting at me, but I didn't get up. My eyes were still shut, but my ears could still pick up the sound of Padme talking to the other officers. It was a low mumble, but I heard footsteps walking towards me.

I felt a bunch of hands picking me up and I felt cuffs being placed around my hands. The officer I yelled at earlier carried me over to a gunship and chained me up, "First Commander Axle Tinguard, you are under arrest for the murder of five Naboo citizens." That was the last thing I heard as my senses completely blanked out.


Ahsoka's POV

I came out of hyperspace at Naboo. R7 was beeping in a frightened tune. I took in a deep breath, "Don't worry. We'll be fine." I descended down to Theed. I could see some parts of the burned buildings where Axle killed those five cultists. "I haven't seen Axle in over a month. I wonder how he'll react when he sees me." I said. R7 beeped again, but I understood what he was saying.

A sudden gunship wizzed past me from behind. It was heading for a street near Theed palace. I could hear sirens all around that area. "It looks like we found him." I said, nervously.

My comms channel activated to my surprise and Senator Amidala appeared on a Holo-gram. "Ahsoka, didn't the council order you to stay at the temple?" She asked. I sighed, "I'm sorry, Senator. I just can't stay on the sidelines anymore. I think I'm the only person Axle won't attack." Padme stroke her chin, "Ok, Ahsoka, but you have to be very careful. I'm escorting Axle to the detention center in Theed palace. Meet me there." My eyes widened, "You captured him?" Padme sighed, "Yes....We did." "I'll be right there." I answered and ended the transmission.

R7 started beeping again, but I paid no attention. How could a bunch of police men overwhelm Axle when three of our best Padawans couldn't? Maybe Axle somehow is fighting Revan's spirit.

I landed at the palace where Padme was waiting. I got out of my fighter and ran towards her, "Where is he?" Padme had a worried face as she started walking, "Follow me."

Axle's POV

My eyes slowly opened. I was laying down on a small bed in a ray shielded prison cell. I sat up and looked around, "Oh great! Now I'm screwed." "Not if you use your power." Revan whispered in my mind. I grit my teeth, "You lied to me! You told me you wanted to help protect Ahsoka, but instead, turned me to the dark side!" "Satele puts up a good fight. Let's see how well you hold up. Soon, you will be begging for my return." Revan answers and was gone.

I sat down and looked to the ground. Footsteps approached me and the Rey shield opened, but I still didn't look up. "You see, this is what happens when you leave my side." I jumped up with the biggest smile on my face, "AHSOKA?!" She gave the same smile, "You won't believe how many rules I just broke to be here." I laughed, "First time?"

She ran into my arms and I held her tightly. "I missed you so much." She whispered. I exhaled slowly, "As did I." She looked in my eyes, "Axle, what's happening to you?" I sat down and she sat next to me. I sighed, "Revan took control of my body. He turned me to the dark side. He made me....He made me kill those cultists. I managed to break free, but I don't know how long I will be able to hold him off." Ahsoka leaned her head against my shoulder, "Master Windu is on his way here. You will be ok, Axle. I promise. Senator Amidala is handling everything." I gave a sigh of relief.

I looked in her blue eyes, "It's been so long since we've had some alone time together." She grinned and pulled out a remote, "Padme gave me a control to this cell." She activated it and the blast doors shut. "Aren't you afraid that I might go crazy again?" I asked. Ahsoka kissed me slowly, "No. I'm not. And I will never be scared of you."

She pushed me down on to the bed and continued to kiss me. I moved my hands below her stomach and began massaging her legs and waist. Ahsoka slipped off my shirt and dropped it to the ground. The feeling of her body on my torso gave me chills down my spine. Ahsoka gave small, quiet moans in between kisses.


Padme's POV

I was in the security room with the other guards. I watched Axle's cell camera until the two started to strip from their clothes. "Turn off the camera." I ordered. The head officer paused, "But Senator, we must not allow Commander Tinguard out of our sight." I rolled my eyes, "Ahsoka will keep an eye on him, but for now, let them enjoy some privacy." The head officer nodded and turned off all cameras and microphones connected to the cell.

I sat down in a chair and folded my hands. I just hope those two are finished by the time Master Windu arrives. But, I fell happy knowing that Axle didn't turn into a monster and can be together with Ahsoka. I just wonder how long it will be before the real trouble comes. Revan's new army.

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