The Grey Wolf

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3rd Person

Cultist Nivik walked the streets of Coruscant. He had just finished his important business with a syndicate leader to aid him and his cult in their cause. Eliminating force users who step out of line. Cultist Zafar has failed to kill the Wolves of the Force so he left himself no choice but to commit suicide. If this criminal syndicate is as good as they say they are, then they could provide the cult with many resources. There are only 12 Cultists in the group, but when this syndicate joins their forces, they would have the manpower they need to grow. 

It was a normal loud night in the lower levels of the city planet. People were talking. Speeders were flying by. Music from buildings played. All the usual was happening. Cultist Nivik was heading back to his quarters when he noticed a shadow move from the rooftops. He slowly reached out for his blaster and continued forward. Nivik walked into an ally next to him with his blaster fully drawn. Garbage cans crashed around and he quickly aimed in the direction. A loth-cat walked out and hissed. Nivik chuckled to himself and put his blaster back in his holster. 

He turned to walk out of the ally when out nowhere a dark figure jumped on top of him from above. Nivik screamed out in surprised and rolled around until he was laying on his back. A person with sleek black sleeveless robes with a matching hood stood over him. "Cultist Nivik." The figure said. The Cultist nodded and his entire body shook, "" The hooded man continued, "You have orders to assassinate me. But it looks like I made the first move." Nivik shook with more fear. "I offer you a choice. Forget about the cult and start a new life, or die." Nivik struggled to get up, but finally made it to his feet, "You silly boy. Did you really think I would be traveling alone?" 

Just then, armed mercenaries emerged from the streets with blasters drawn. "Kill him." Nivik ordered. The mercenaries opened fired at the black figure, but something happened. The figure wasn't there. He just disappeared. The street lights then went black. Nivik and his bodyguards looked around aimlessly. Then the torment began. Two emerald green blades ignited and cut down a mercenary as he screamed in pain. The others opened fire, but the blades disappeared and the figure moved into the darkness. Then again the two green blades ignited and struck down another screaming bodyguard and disappeared just as quick. One mercenary started backing away, "We need to call for reinforcmeAAAAHHHHH!!!" A green saber ignited from behind and impaled him through the back and out the chest. Then the figure was gone once again. There were only two left. The mercenary Captain and the Cultist. The Captain was taking in large breaths, "What kind of Jedi did you send us after?" Nivik sighed, "I had no idea he was this powerful." But when Nivik turned to face the Captain, there was two green blades that pierced the mercenaries chest. 

The figure stood there with his emerald blades glistening in the darkness. He slowly walked toward the Cultist. Nivik fired bolts at him, but were easily deflected away. The Jedi force pulled the blaster out of his hand and cornered the Cultist against the wall. Nivik was panting hard, "Who the hell are you?" The figure removed his hood without disengaging his sabers to reveal a young adult with sleek black hair cut in a short mohawk style, "I'm the Goddamn Grey Wolf." The Jedi raised his sabers and they came crashing down across the Cultist's body. 

The street lights came back on and other civilians were completely frightened. The Grey Wolf disengaged his sabers and pulled his hood over his head. The people watched in shock as he disappeared for the last time into the shadows.

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