Dark Power

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Axle's POV

"Transport 376 from Coruscant to Naboo making our final descent into the Naboo docking bays." The speakers announced. A few hours ago, I hopped onto this transport instead of a Republic military vehicle. Even though I'm still a Republic officer, I wanted to take a different approach to this task. A Republic military ship would cause more suspicion among the populous and that is something I'd rather not go through. Also, I wanted to see what traveling as a civilian would feel like. It was a different type of noise. Instead of men shouting orders or the constant clanking of boots, it's just people talking about their regular lives. I smiled at a mother holding two of her children on her lap as they played with each other's hands. I looked over to a couple that seemed a few years older than Ahsoka and I. They held each other's hands and hugged. I hope someday that would be me and Ahsoka together. The ability to show affection out in public for a change.

The shuttle touched down and everyone headed down the ramp outside. It's been a while since I was last on Naboo. I had forgotten how beautiful it was. I could see the pure lakes off in the distance and the tall shining buildings of Theed. I started walking off into the planet capital.

Yuman said that there were five cultists on Naboo. That's a lot of targets all on one planet. But I still have a lot of ground to cover. I looked back at when I attacked Yuman. I felt the anger within myself. That didn't feel normal. It was.....pure hatred. I hate those cultists with a burning passion. They almost killed Ahsoka because they wanted to cleanse the galaxy of anyone who steps out of line from the Jedi code. Who are they to judge who is punished for breaking the rules? They aren't even Jedi and Kamara is no longer even part of the order anymore. It makes me furious that others try to punish people who are way out of their restriction. I still hate that I am separated from Ahsoka for the time being. One day, I'll be with her again.

I kept walking until I felt something in the back of my head. Darkness was crawling in my veins. My eyes felt on fire. Then, a voice echoed through my mind, "You are my apprentice. Let the dark side give you strength. Kill all who oppose you." It was like a virus in my body. I collapsed to the ground and grabbed my head in pain. I groaned loudly. "Give in to the power. Use it to kill your enemies." The voice said again. Some people crowded me. "Are you ok, kid?" One of them asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked at my reflection in a window. My eyes flickered yellow like someone was spamming a lightswitch. The voice spoke again, "Listen to me, boy. Use the darkness within you. Let me guide you to become a ruthless unstoppable warrior." I looked up at the man who still had his hand on my shoulder. He looked through my hood and seemed to recognize me. "First Commander Tinguard?" He whispered and backed away. My eyes burned yellow. The pain finally stopped. "Good, my apprentice. Now I will teach you how to use your power." The voice finished. I felt my anger all over my body, "What will you have me do, my Master?"


Ahsoka's POV

I walked the halls of the Jedi temple. Other Masters and Knights past bye me as I greeted them with a smile. I was happy that I got to spend a little down time from the war, but something was missing. I miss being with Axle. He's been gone almost a month and it's hard not to notice. I saw Master Windu approaching me, "Padawan Tano?" I bowed my head, "Yes, my Master?" He stopped a few feet in front of me, "Axle asked me to tell you that he is alright." I was a little surprised from that response. I smiled a little, "What is he doing?" Master Windu paused a little, "He has been.....working on a secret assignment. He is trying to find the rest of the Cultists that wanted you and him dead." I nodded, "I see. Thank you, Master." He bowed his head and walked off.

I decided to head to the Jedi archives to finish my studies. I remember Axle taking me to this secret spot on one of the ledges of the temple ceiling. It overlooked the rest of the archives and was hidden from the rest of the Jedi. We would study there alone and spend some quality time together. I snuck up to the ledge and sat down. Axle used to sit next to me and put his arm over my shoulder. He would teach me how to speak Mandalorian and I would teach him how to speak Togruta. We would laugh every time we would mess up a sentence.

"Funny to find you up here all alone, dear." Someone said from behind. I jumped and spun around. Jocasta Nu stood there smiling. I relaxed, "Oh, it's just you, Madam. How did you know about this spot?" She walked up to me, "I am the Chief Librarian. I know all the temple secrets. I would see you up here with Padawan Tinguard all the time. I adored seeing you two being happy together." I got tense, "You....You knew?" She looked away from me, "I have known for a while. You two were the best of friends when you were younger. And now, it is hard to see you without him." I looked down and held my arm with my other hand, "Am I in trouble?" Madam Jocasta sighed, "You should be. But, I am not part of the Jedi council. Therefore, I do not enforce the same rules as they do." I relaxed and let out a large breath. Jocasta turned to look at me with soft eyes, "You miss him. Don't you?" I nodded. She smiled and put her hand to my chin, "Cheer up, dear. I'm sure he is fine. But, you must find out if you are fine." I was confused, "What do you mean?" Jocasta folded her arms, "You feel lost without him. Incomplete. You love him." I paused. I never said I love you to his face before. "Yes, Madam. I do." She gave another soft smile, "You two were destined to be together. Not even the Jedi order can stop it. But, you must find the center of your feelings before you act upon them. Meditate on this matter to help ease your mind from this conflict within you." I smiled and nodded as I headed off towards my chambers.

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