The Academy League

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"Today, the schools are starting again. Time went fast." I said as came out of my shower. I took the clothes and my Pokéballs and went downstairs for breakfast. I took my breakfast and started to eat.

"Whoa," Gladion exclaimed while coming downstairs "Ash is early. Bro, am I seeing a dream."

"Shut up Glady, it's old now. The new one is Ash isn't with Serena today." Brendan said getting a death stare from me.

"Shut-it, idiots," I yelled at both of them but they just laughed off.

"Today is the League starting, so you people ain't have a plan?" Red asked on which everyone said it'll be okay.

"They have to first beat Nate in Battle Frontier and Astrid in the E4 which is impossible for them," I said siding with the League. We finished our breakfast and went to the Academy. "Today's an assembly for us and they are gonna tell us the info on how will The League work." Red stated

~During the Assembly~

Cynthia: Hello students, I am Cynthia as you know. Today will be the start of The Academy League. You have already met with the Battle Frontier and Elite 4 *she said pointing at them* but you still haven't met the Academy Champion and neither will you meet, before defeating either the Elite 4 or the Battle Frontier.

The whole school booed but Cynthia was unaffected by it as she continued speaking.

Cynthia: You students registered your Pokémon beforehand and can only use them for the league. The number of wins will decide whether you can battle the League or not. You can challenge anyone except the League and if you win that match, it will go in your win counter and vice versa. Remember, this semester there will be no study and the whole island is your playground. Now, disperse.

The moment Cynthia stopped speaking everyone ran to the board where the rankings were. I and Red had only 2 Pokémon registered and we ranked number 1 and number 2 respectively.

"Battle me, Ash." some random stranger said and I accepted. We went outside and I defeated him in one move. "That was easy." I thought as I and Red went for the Champions' Lounge.

"What happened, not battling out there?" Hop asked with a Pizza slice in his mouth watching something on the T.V. "Like hell, we would." I replied. "It's boring." Red added and we started to relax.

A little later I realized something, "Where is Serena?" I thought and went to the main hall room which now was barren. "Wow, they went out fast." I thought and walked towards the League board. "Serena. Serena. Serena...." I repeated trying to find her name, I started to look from the bottom and I found her name I was shocked. "She ranks #5. I never knew she could battle this good." I thought. I was happy seeing her so up in the ranks.

I went back to the Lounge and took out the Aether Paradise satellite. It was roaming all around the island. I found the one, which was recording Serena's match. I watched it and realized, she is really good at battling. Suddenly, the power went off.

"What's happening?" Hau yelled barging through the door "I was playing on PC."

"We don't know," Hop replied

"Where's Cynthia?" I asked thinking she may know the answer.

"All the champions went to their region right after the assembly." Hop told me to which I reacted "Great."

"The Island's under attack. The Island's under attack." a voice repeated.

"What? What's happening?" Red said and suddenly a screen dropped in front of us. It turned on to reveal Lusimane in front of us.

Lusimane: This video will be played when the Island will be under attack and the champions will not be there. This screen will give you access to all hidden cameras and other devices such as Clemont's automatic battle machine Clembot. You can use them to defend the Island and the Academy. Do it.

"What just happened?" I asked to which they had no reply and stood quiet "Let's check who is attacking us, then." I clicked at the screen and scrolled through cameras to find a grunt with the TRR logo on it. "It's TRR." I said and they cringed. I scrolled some more to find Guzma battling Elio using UBs.

"We should battle the other grunts, Elio has taken care of the situation," I said and we ran to the Academy gates. Many grunts tried to attack us but all to no prevail, they all lost.

I contacted everyone and told them about our situation and then I used my Rotom phone connected with Lusimane's screen and used it to announce to the whole Island "It's the Academy Champion speaking. We are under attack by TRR, if you can battle then battle or else save yourself by hiding."

Some battled and some hid and after a few hours have passed, we got the situation under our control. We took Guzma and his grunts to the prison made under the Academy hidden from people and students.

"What is TRR planning?" I asked Guzma who was tied up and beaten to a pulp by Nate.

"Why the f*** will I tell you?" Guzma said spitting on the side which flipped a switch in me as I kicked his face and he groaned of pain.

"Tell us or you die," I said furiously

"Do you have the guts to kill us? Ha, Losers." Guzma said as we all boiled with fury, then I realized "I can use Hoopa."

I summoned Darkrai and commanded him "Darkrai, use nightmare and show him his deepest fear." Darkrai used nightmare while Guzma screamed in pain.

Suddenly, my phone starts to ring. "It's Leon," I stated as I picked up the phone. "Leon?" I said to which I got the reply I didn't want "It's started." Leon said and then hung up.

The whole League was resent there. I looked up to them and said "It's started." and then Hoopa pops up suddenly saying "My prophecy has started. The Legendaries are making a riot in their respective regions. The Final War between you all is here."

Hey guys, hope you like it. The story is reaching its end so I'm gonna slow it down a bit. I will finish it before the new year cause I'm confused about how to end it and I'm working on a new story. Hope you enjoyed it and will stick around till the end.

Smell Ya Later

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