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Everyone gathered as I went on the stage and started to announce about what happened. "Hello, my peers. Sadly, whoever is thinking I ain't the school champion or doesn't wanna believe it, you are wrong." I announced but, to my surprise, everyone was kinda accepting I was the school champion, even Calem and his, rest-of what's-left, gang.

"So, I gathered you all to say that a great war is following us and the truth is, due to League's incompetence, an evil organization known as Team Rainbow Rocket(TRR) got it's hand on some Legendaries and are behind the destruction Legendaries are causing. Soon TRR will come here too and if you don't want to get caught in cross-fire, we will provide you a safe trip back to your region." I finished my announcement to see, a rather big, uproar.

"Well, it's understandable." I thought as I tried to calm them down "Don't go crazy or what? We are giving you free and safe transportation, so go home. Your regions are safe by the League. We don't want people who will make the matters worse here."

"What a technique to calm them down." Blue said sarcastically to which I just shrugged. "Now, whoever is gonna stay back here, tell Blue your name and whoever wanna go back to their region, tell me your name."

One-by-One, everyone came and, surprisingly, only a handful of people wanted to go home. "You all sure, you wanna stay?" I confirmed one last time and they all yelled "YES."

I, then, activated the tunnel which led from the main hall to the underground tunnel. A door behind the stage opened and the people who wanted to go back to their regions followed Blue, downstairs. To my surprise, Calem's whole gang, except Gary, were going back. Calem eyed me one last time before going in the door and downstairs.

~At the Mansion~

"That was one heck of a day." I let out a sigh as I sat down in front of my T.V., connecting it to my Rotom-phone. I switched on the protective barrier and the whole Island began to shake. "What the- What's happening, Ash." Serena came in yelling.

"Calm down, girl. It's just the protective barrier." I told her which calmed her down. As the so-felt 'earthquake' stopped, everyone was there. "What happened, Ash?" Blue asked seeing me hugging Serena as I was trying to calm her down.

"Nothing." I said as I let go of Serena. "Everything good at your side?" I asked and he nodded. "The barrier is quite hi-tech, you know?" he said and I went outside to see the sky was visible but then I checked my phone and it said Barrier was active.

"Yeah, that's some good tech." I stated and looked at Blue who was already relaxing. "Come on, we are in middle of a f***ing war, y'know." I said but he just shrugged. I was a little annoyed and said "You are literally acting like Red, did he put you up for this or what?" but Blue just grinned playing on his phone.

It's been few days since the Barrier was set-up and till now, nothing has gone. We were just relaxing when, suddenly, Lucario and Greninja along with Hoopa appeared in front of me. "What?" I asked Lucario through Aura to which he replied "The package has arrived, Master."

"I'm gonna excuse myself." I said as I stood up and went to my room. "Is this it?" I asked while taking the package from Lucario. "Yes, Master. All 17 of them." Lucario said and I nodded. "I should better go and store it in the academy." I thought and ordered Hoopa to teleport me to the conference room.

Once in the conference room, I did the same things I did last time and went downstairs, opened the vault, and kept the box inside. "Safe and sound." I said while keeping it and went back upstairs. I teleported back to my room and went downstairs to join my friends again.

"What happened?" Serena asked to which I replied "Nothing." trying to act like 'I don't know what you are talking about.'. "Okay." she took the bait as we continued relaxing and then I went to bed, of course, with Serena.


An earthquake hit the island in middle of the night. "What the- What's happening?" Ash jolted up due to the tremors. The whole of island were shaking. Ash checked his phone to see damage being done to the barrier. He noticed that Serena was awake too.

"What's happening?" Serena asked with a half-asleep look to which Ash replied "TTR is attacking us." Serena stood up in a second and they both rushed downstairs to see everyone awake.

"Took you long enough." Gary said who was staying at the mansion on Blue's request. "Shut up." Ash said as he went near the T.V. and did an announcement "All the people who are on this island, TRR is attacking us and now we have to fight back. Take-over all the big buildings as the small-ones are gonna go under some renovation. I'm gonna open the barrier letting them in, fight them and if you think your life's in danger, run towards the academy or my mansion using underground lines, you'll be safe there."

Ash clicked a button and all the small houses on the whole of island went under the ground. Looking the island from top can tell that the buildings were not made randomly but as a protection from some kind of disaster. One part of all the high-levelling buildings were made around the mountain where Ash's mansion is and the other part was made around the academy. The whole island was empty except the tall buildings covering two main points of the island.

Ash, then, checked out of the barrier to see Giovanni and TRR attacking the island using some weapon and not any Legendary. Ash's blood boiled when he looked at Giovanni, he then opened the barrier confirming no-one was outside the building.

He, then, used Hoopa to teleport himself to where Giovanni was. "Ash, my boy. It's been a long time." Giovanni said with a mocking laugh.

"SHUT UP, Giovanni. I ain't your boy, you a**hole." Ash yelled to which Giovanni replied with a mock, again "Language, my boy. Did your father teach you that?"

"I'm gonna kill this bastard." Ash mumbled under his breath as he stood up front to battle Giovanni. "Oh, so you're approaching me. Instead of running away, you are approaching me, Giovanni." Giovanni said trying to ridicule Ash.

The next chapter is the End of the story, so see you all there too.

Smell Ya Later

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