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We were sitting in the living room as we started to discuss our situation

"Bro, summon Hoopa," Lucas said as he ate chips

"It's 1 am, you idiot, not the time to eat chips." Ash quietly yelled at Lucas but he was unfazed by what Ash said and didn't stop eating his chips

"Hoopa, come out," Ash said surrendering

"Yes, Master," Hoopa said as appeared from thin air

"Do you think with the Legendaries we have on our side, we can beat TRR?" I questioned

"I cannot say, I may be a Mythical but I don't have knowledge of the battles of Legendaries, only Mew can answer that if he talks which is given he won't," Hoopa replied

"Is Zygarde more powerful than Xerneas and Yveltal combined?" Astrid asked and we looked towards Hoopa waiting for an answer

After a little pause and thought he replied "Xerneas represents life and Yveltal represents destruction, so technically, together they form nature which has life and destruction equally balanced, but the overseer of ecosystem Zygarde balances them."

"What does that mean?" Ethan asked with a confused look

"It means that, what Xerneas and Yveltal collectively represent, is what Zygarde alone represents. You can win if 'destruction and life' are more powerful than what the ecosystem can handle." Hoopa answered Ethan's question

"So, you mean the current state of the world, how humans are using life to do destruction, i.e., Humans using/forcing Pokémon to destroy the ecosystem," I said and Hoopa nodded

"You are becoming wise, brother." Ash teased me to which I replied "I always was."

"So, we may or may not have chances to beat them?" Ash asked

"Yes, I cannot explain you properly," Hoopa said

"Okay," we said saddened by what Hoopa said

"Ash," I said, "You have no Legendaries, wanna take on from me?"

"Nah, no need. I got Pokémon who could beat all the mythical, technically, so I got nothing to worry about." Ash replied

"Why are y'all awake?" someone questioned as she descended from the stairs. I saw Ash's face brightening, so I deduced that girl to be Serena, which she was

"No specific reason." Yellow answered, "Weren't you suppose to be asleep?"

"I was going to the washroom, then I noticed a little bit of light coming from the living room, so I came downstairs to check it and I was hungry," Serena replied

"Take the food from the kitchen and go then, you are not allowed to listen to what we are gonna discuss, it's about the Academy League." Yellow said irritated, "Why is she irritated?" I thought

"Okay~" Serena said and went to the kitchen, took something, and went upstairs

"Why are you irritated about them living here?" Lucas asked the question that every one of us wanted the answer of

"They are just freeloading this place as they own it," Yellow said with an annoyed tone

"Okay, Red you are not gonna hang out with Yellow anymore, she's becoming like you." Ash laughed as did everyone else except Yellow and me who were just irritated

"That's a good one." Ethan thumbs-up Ash

"Just shut up," I said angered by the comment

"Okay-Okay, let's continue the discussion," Astrid said

"Which one, TRR or Academy League?" Ash asked

"Leave TRR for later till everyone comes back," I said

"So, the League huh? What do you wanna talk about it?" Astrid asked

"Ash and Me aren't participating and that's for sure," I stated

"So, wanna give us some advice who's gonna be tough one to beat?" Lucas asked

"We don't really know, cause I recently beat the school ranker and it was easy AF. Maybe the Leaders will give you a tough spot, like Iris, she has beaten Alder once in a friendly match, which I highly doubt was a friendly one cause they used all of their 6 Pokémons." Ash told them

"Iris, I'll note it, just in case," Astrid said and noted that name on her phone

"Does anyone knows Tobias?" Lucas asked, "Cause I noticed him on the Island when we were coming back."

"Tobias?" I thought, suddenly Ash spoke up "Calem's cousin."

"Wait, that guy who tried to come in front of your car when you were tryna park?" Ethan asked

"How do you know?" Ash asked him back

"Oh, I was just checking the CCTVs of this house." Ethan replied, "He clearly stated his name, which was, of course, a little hard to figure out cause there was a lot of noise, but I figured it anyway."

"Yea, that guy. He is a monster, he owns many Rare Pokémon, like Mega Sableye, Mega Tyranitar, and Mega Aerodactyl, which I know of." Lucas said

"I'll note that name down just in case." Astrid as she noted that name too

"We can't use Legendaries, can we?" Yellow asked with a plea in her eyes, we knew that she wanted to use Legendaries for battling but Leon and the League said no to it

"We've been through this Yellow, no Legendaries," I said

"No fair, Ash can use his Mythical ones in battle," she said as she pouted

"Legendaries are more famous than Myths, you understand," I told her

"Okay, won't use them," she replied defeatedly

"I'm gonna go sleep, you know," Ash said as he stood up and walked towards the stairs

"Bro, don't make Serena awake late," I yelled to which he showed me the middle finger and went upstairs

"Oh, that's why she came out of his room right now." Ethan being an airhead as we all sighed

Everyone went to their bedrooms to get some sleep and so did I, but then I realized my situation, I was sleeping in the same room with Leaf, cause she insisted, and I had no problem with it, for the record. I entered the room and found Leaf sleeping on the mini couch I have in the corner of my room. I wanted to pick her up and lay her down on the bed but it could disturb her sleep, so, I went to Ash's room to get his help. When I enter his room, I found him and Serena doing something which I don't wanna explain and I just waited for Ash to notice me, but then he psychically asks me what do I want. "Some Psychic powers which would not wake Leaf up as I lay her down on the bed." I told Ash to which he smirked and said "Done."

I left the room and went back in mine to find Leaf lying on my bed, "Damn his psychicness." I thought as went towards my bed, and as I sat on the bed to lay down a pair of hands threw themselves on me and dragged me under the bedsheet.

"Leaf, what are you doing?" I asked silently but flustered

"Nothing," she said and started to wrap me in her arms and then the night went on.

Hope you like it, at last, I am shipping BurningLeaf properly. YAY!!!!!!!!!

I don't really know how long should I make the whole story cause my mind is flowing with a new story idea every day. I am confused AF T_T

Sorry for the late chapter, I know it should have been posted yesterday but couldn't cause I had my exam today and there will be only one more chapter this week, but not gonna guarantee.

Smell Ya Later

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