Time Problem

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While thinking about the so-called "small gathering" Red was gonna host at our house I was getting angered. We were on our way home as we just exited the school gates but suddenly a bright light came across and Red's friends vanished with all the children around us. We got alert but we saw Hop and Hau running towards us. We inquired about the situation and they told us that there is an Ultra Wormhole created in Celebi's Shrine which made everyone travel one day before the day and is at the place they should be during this time except us as we have legendary Pokemon's Blessings.

" So, we should go to the shrine or what??" I asked

" We are going to the shrine, Ash take out your Hoopa and Teleport us" said Hop

I nodded and used my Hoopa to teleport us. When we reached the shrine, we were welcomed by Gladion and Looker who were already keeping the situation under control. Gladion told us that it was a Kartana Wormhole and Kartana has gone back but the wormhole is not closing.

" I think due to being in Celebi's Shrine, the time affecting the Wormhole has reduced and it will take longer for it to be closed" said Red

" So technically, the Ultra Beast Kartana will come back and we have to defend it till the Wormhole closes?" asked Hop

Everyone nodded and went Inside the Wormhole leaving Hau, Hop, and Looker behind.

Third Person POV

" I will wait here till then you both can go as we don't know how much time Ash, Red, and Gladion will take" said Looker to Hau and Hop

" You sure, cause we don't have a Problem waiting here" Hau insisted

"It's OK, you don't have to worry about us. Just Go" Looker said forcefully

" As you wish" said Hop and Hau while making there way back

~One Month Later~

" Damn, never thought it would take a month according to Earth Time" said Ash

" True Dat" said Gladion

" Well, Gladion when will you take admission in the Academy?" asked Red

" Academy's Main Motive was to make Trainers that can challenge the World League but if you are already on the list of World League Participants then what is the need to attend such Academy" said Gladion " And Second, you are attending the Academy to protect yourselves from all the evil organization after you. In the Unofficial Ranking, there are many Trainers at par with World Elite 4. So, you attend it for your own safety"

" Well, that's true. So, see ya later Gladion" said Ash waving towards Gladion who was flying away.

" Well Let's Go Red" said Ash as he took out his Hoopa Ultra Ball and called Hoopa out as he teleported them to their House.

~A Week Later~

Ash and Red have become the target of Bullies apparently as they did not attend the school for a month but still teachers treat them as they are some Royals.

" Damn you, shitheads" said Paul while trying to Punch Red but Red dodged it easily while making Paul trip. Calem was targetting Ash but got his Ass kicked instead. Suddenly there was an announcement on the PA saying about an After School Assembly and then the Bell rung. Nothing happened during the classes except Hau and Hop being not in the school for the last Seven Days.

~During the Assembly~

Cynthia: Hello Students, I am the Sinnoh Champion as you all know, and one of the Board Members of this School. This Assembly is about the Academy League that happens Each time before the World League and without Participating in this League you can not participate in the World League so we have some people attending this League from Outside the School. This League will start after your First Exams and will last till the End of the Academic Year. Best of Luck, Children and That's All I want to say.

There was excitement among the children as Cynthia walked away. After the Assembly Children were given a small wristband Device using which you can challenge each other for pokemon battles. Ash had Six Pokemon but five of them were Mythical and His Regional Starters were at home Resting so, people could see only his Pikachu as his only Pokémon.

~After School~

" Yo Red, here" said Ash while standing with Blue

" Hey Blue, Long Time No See" said Red

" It's been a while" said Blue while Hugging Red

" Brother, why are you hanging with these One and Two Pokemon losers" said Gary while coming from behind with his gang

" Shut up Gary, you don't know a thing about them" said Blue angrily

" Don't be Angry Blue, by the way, you are coming to our house today, right?" asked Red

" Duh, Of Course" said Blue

Ash, Red, and Blue went leaving Gary behind with his Gang

" Who do they think they are" said Trip furiously

" Don't care, they are some cheap People. By the way, you are coming to my party today" asked Calem

Everyone Nodded as they followed Calem to his house which was surprisingly on the same lane as Ash and Red which surprised everyone as that lane was the poshest lane near the Academy.

" What the Heck are those losers doing here" said Calem furiously

" Hey Calem, me and Barry will follow those losers while you all go prepare for the Party cause others might be here soon, leave them to us" said Gary while following them with Barry and the Rest went inside Calem's mansion.

A/N: In this Story, Ash has caught all the known Mythical Pokemon except Arceus and they already have the ticket to the World League. Serena's Group consist of Serena, Calem, Leaf, Gary, Lyra, May, Drew, Dawn, Paul, Barry, Hilda, Rosa, Trip, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, and Miette

The chapters will be posted twice a week or so. Hope you all like this, I know I shitted It but still hope to see you around.

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