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I stood before the vault as it opened itself. The door was fully opened for letting me take a proper look at what is kept inside. I approached the vault and looked inside it. In there were drives about all the Legendaries found till now, their weaknesses, their strengths, everything. I took out all the files and flipped a switch at the back of the vault. The shelves in the vault shifted themselves upwards and a drawer also ascended from the bottom containing drives of all the Mythical Pokémon discovered till now.

I took those drives too and closed the vault and went back upstairs to the conference room. I took out my Rotom-phone and transferred the data to my Pokédex. I then destroyed the drives and walked out of the room. "So, I have to find the plates now." I thought as I went back to the main room and checked the cameras again. Leon had won his battle but still didn't knew it was Chairman Rose who is working with TRR.

I called him and he, surprisingly, picked up the phone. "You know I'm in middle of a battle, right?" Leon said and I laughed a little before replying "You already defeated them, I know."

"What do you want?" he question to which I replied "TRR's aid in Galar ain't the royal family but Chairman Rose."

"WHAT!?" he asked shocked and my reaction was like "He was a sus guy from the start, Leon. You're a champion Leon, act a little more like it."

"Yeah, okay. Now, tell me how do you know that?" Leon asked and I replied "A little bit research and when we were talking 'bout TRR's Galarian partner, Hop was about to say a name starting with 'Cha-' as in 'Chairman Rose'. And I confirmed with Hop, Goh, and Gloria."

"Okay. Thanks for the information." he said and I replied "No problem. Always a pleasure to be at your service."

"Yea-Yea, leave that for later. Now tell me, how far have you reached for your research?" he questioned as I replied "I just took out the drives, Leon. Give me some time."

"Okay, I understand." he sighed in defeat "Just..... tell me if you need anything. That thing is crucial, you know, to win this war."

"I understand. Now, let me continue my work and you go do yours." I said as I hung up the phone. I, then, opened my laptop and took out all the research papers on Arceus. I connected my Rotom-phone with my laptop and the screen displayed all the information about Arceus.

"Let's see." I mumbled and started to look at the information. "So, the ritual to summon Arceus is incomplete without all 18 plates but there is no normal-type plate, so, which is the 18th plate?" I thought as I looked in all the databases about the Arceus, all ancient books, drawings on the cave walls, deciphering Unown's from The Ruins of Alph.

I, then, checked the research papers on Arceus which were around 100 years old before other regions got to know about each other, before Kanto-Johto became the main region. I was shocked when I read about the 16 plates that were found in Sinnoh. "What? Shouldn't there be 17 plates?" I thought.

I read about how the Pixie Plate was found in Kalos by researchers who were researching on Arceus. "So, fairy-type plate was found in Kalos rather than Sinnoh and even then, existed the '???-type' plate or as they say." I thought

For few more hours I researched about Arceus and found out nothing. "Guess that's enough for today." I said as I stretched my body and went out the academy. I called Charizard and we flew back to my mansion.

"Work's done?" Blue asked when I landed and I replied to his question with a nod. "What took you so long?" Serena asked as she walked towards me.

"Nothing. Just, some paper-work." I said not being quite sure of what I was saying myself. "You sure?" Serena asked with a concerned tone. "Yes. Of course. No problem." I said with confidence. "Okay, if you say so." Serena replied with a smile.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I took it out to see Lusimane's calling me. I picked up the phone and said "Hello?"

"Ash, you have to quickly empty the beach of the Island." Lusimane said in a hurry.

"Why? What happened?" I asked worried to which she replied "Island's going in the Lockdown mode. We made the island such that whenever there will be any problems or if someone's gonna attack the island, a protective barrier will sprout up from the beach, disconnecting the island and the outer world." she finished explaining as I was shocked.

"How could you not tell me such a crucial detail about the island before?" I said frustrated about what was happening "And what about people who wanna escape the island, beforehand?" I asked.

"They can leave the island through an underground tunnel, if they want to." Lusimane replied.

"Okay. I understand. I will arrange everything." I said and hung-up the phone. "What happened?" Serena asked to which I said "Gather everyone."

"What is it, Ash?" Blue asked as everyone gathered in the living room. "There is a question I wanna ask everyone, can I?" I asked and they all nodded.

"So, there is great battle going on and if you don't want to be a part of it, tell me." I stated my desire and they all looked at me confused.

"We don't quite understand what are you tryna say." Hilda said to which I replied "TRR will soon attack this place and this island is soon going in a lockdown. If you wanna fight from our side stay or leave this island cause once the lockdown is started, you will find yourself in the battle without your consent."

"Lockdown?" Barry asked to which I replied "A protective barrier will cover the island and during that time nobody can leave or enter it without breaking it."

My words shocked everyone, they were thinking in themselves and the first one to spoke, as I thought, was Blue and, to my surprise, Serena too "I will be staying/I won't leave you alone here, Ash."

"Neither will us." everyone said together to which I asked "Are you sure?" and they all replied "Hundred Percent."

"Then, help me. Anyone who can use his Pokémon to fly, go to all beach sites and tell them to vacate the area and others go around and gather the students to the academy as I'm going there."

"Okay." they said in unison and everyone went where I told them to be except Serena. "Can I come with you?" she asked and I nodded. We went to the academy and I announced "This is your champion speaking. Everyone to gather to the academy and vacate all the beaches as soon as possible. And for all the residents, it's Code: SNAFU(Situation Normal: All F***ed Up). Do as you're told ASAP." The chaos my announcement made was beyond comparable.

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