Chapter 15 - Detention

Start from the beginning

Me and Draco hung back, walking side by side without a word said between us, as our friends galavanted off in front.

We were almost at Potions when Draco seemed to have spotted something that sparked his interest but I couldn't work out what it was. Until we reached a small weathered door, in one swift motion he'd grabbed my arm and pulled me through it.

The room was tiny and damp, it smelt like rotting wood and mud, when I finally fumbled about in my pocket for my wand to cast Lumos, I could see Draco had brought me into some kind of cupboard that stored old and damaged broomsticks.

Draco stood menacingly in front of the door, blocking the only the exit and a smirk spread across his face as he watched me panic before his eyes.

"What were you thinking with that little performance the other day?" Draco practically growled. I tried to push past him to leave, fearing that I would be late to class and that I was stuck in here with this maniac. He grabbed my arms and held them in front of my chest so I couldn't move.

"Do you want to get spanked again? It'd be my pleasure" Draco whispered, his lips impossibly close to my ear.

"Please Draco, we're already late" I whined, struggling against his grip but it only tightened.

"Have you given it up to him yet?" Draco whispered, lifting a hand to stroke across my cheek. He didn't look me in the eyes but was staring at each feature on my face intently, as if he was trying to memorise them. My heart wavered for a moment as I watched him but it quickly turn back to rage.

"No" I spat back. He drove me insane. How could he be so gentle sometimes but be so cruel?

"Good girl" he whispered and dove into my neck to leave soft kisses. He suckled every so often to emblazon my neck with his dark marks and the heat crept back in my core. He held my body firmly in place and I melted into his hands, letting my anger seep away with every kiss he planted.

I let him do this for god knows how long until my legs began trembling beneath me. I snapped out of my trance and jolted myself away.

"Draco we need to go to Potions" I whispered, "we're very late"

"We've missed most of it now anyway let's just stay here" Draco replied lazily, "or you can come back to my room?"

"No we need to go" I insisted. He gave a shrug and moved aside so I could open the door. Creaking the door open, I peered out the into the hallway. Nobody was in sight thank Merlin and we shuffled along to the class.

"And where have you two been?" Professor Snape bellowed, he didn't even turn around as we entered the room and continued writing on the blackboard in front.

"We-" I started.
"Never mind, class is over. Get out of my sight" Professor Snape cut me off. As the class stood, we went to begin leaving with everyone but were silently beckoned to his desk.

"I want to see you back here at the end of lessons today. You've both got detention. 15 points from Slytherin" Professor Snape snapped and waved us away again with the flick of his elongated sleeves.

"See you later" Draco smirked, as he disappeared off to his next lesson with Blaise.

"What the fuck Celeste, you were right behind us, where did you go?" Daphne snapped once the boys were out of ear shot.

"He wanted to talk to me about something and we lost track of time" I lied.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I'm your best friend and I know when you're lying to me. Don't think I didn't hear the rumours about you and Malfoy in Potions, I thought if something had really happened I'd be the first to know! And him getting heated the other day when Fred came over, what was that all about?" Daphne was practically shouting at me. For a moment I tried to calm myself down but I felt she had no right to talk to me like this and I said something I knew I would immediately regret.

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now