Chapter 1: The trip of a life time

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I was currently hiking through the Norwegian Fjords with my father

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I was currently hiking through the Norwegian Fjords with my father. My long blonde, curly hair was tied up into a ponytail and my plaid shirt I had put on in the morning tied on waist over my denim shorts leaving me in my white tank top. We had been walking since 5 am and by 1 pm my feet were starting to ache in my hiking boots. I had no idea where we were going and I was starting to think that my father didn't either. Whenever I tried to ask where we were going he would deflect the question and ask me if I was excited about starting my masters next month.

"Come on Dad, we have too almost be there! We have been walking for hours!" I complained as we started to walk up yet another hill. This was definitely going to be all of my work outs for the year done, I hated to think how many steps I had done. "Don't worry my little princesses*, we're almost there," (authors note: I used google translate, so I apologise if my Norwegian is wrong) my father said calling me by his nickname for me which was princess in Norwegian. I grew up speaking both English and Norwegian, which always sound strange in my slight southern drawl. "You have been saying that for hours!".

My father just laughed and motioned for me to follow him in to a forest that was at the top of the hill. I was a truly beautiful forest, like something straight out of a Disney movie. "We're almost there, you can see where we're going now it's just at the end of the clearing," my father said motioning to a small opening in the forest. In the clearing there was a small stone structure that looked like a mini-Stonehenge. Walking up to one of the stones, I saw it was engraved with Norse runes telling a story about a Norse god that I had never heard of.

Authors note: Yes, I know it's a screen shot from Frozen 2, but it was the closest photo I could find that looked like what I had imagined

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Authors note: Yes, I know it's a screen shot from Frozen 2, but it was the closest photo I could find that looked like what I had imagined.

"Dad, who is Erickson the Great? I have never heard about him before. He isn't in any of the research done into to Norse mythology," I said running my fingers over the detailed runes. I heard my father sigh behind me and turned around to see him sitting on a tree stump. He ran his hand through this short, dark blonde hair. All the girls in school had a crush on my Dad, my parents were young when they had me and were younger than a lot of the other parents. There was no denying he was a attractive man, standing at 6'4 and he is extremely fit from working the family farm with Pa for over 20 years. The girls at school said he could be a movie star, but to me he was just my Dad.

Right now, there was a pained look on his face, like it was hard to tell me what ever he wanted to say. I walked over to him and sat down on the tree stump that was across from him. I reached over and took one of hands that he had moved to cover his face. "Dad what's wrong, you can tell me anything."

After a few minutes he looks up, still holding my hand and took a deep breath. "Kimberly sweetheart, I think it's time you know the truth about our family." I looked at him confused; I had no idea what he was talking about. "What do you mean the truth about our fam..." He held up a hand motioning for me to stop.

"What I am about to tell you, no one knows. Not even your mother. I need you to promise what I tell you never goes any further unless there is no other choice. It could cause problems for our family. I don't want any of you getting hurt. But after watching the news and seeing what happened in New Mexico last month, I fear I have no choice now."

I tried to think about what has happened in New Mexico last month. I vaguely remembered something about the FBI having to stop something weird happening that looked like a medieval fair gone wrong. But I couldn't understand what it had to do with our family. But I didn't say anything and nodded to my father to let him know that I understood how serious this was.

He got up and started to pace around the small clearing. He was clearly trying to find the right words to say, which was unusual for him. Erik Odinson was many things, but lost for words was not one of them. After what seemed like a life time, he finally sat back down on the tree stump. Taking a deep breath, he finally started his story.

"I know that you all think that my whole family died a long time ago in a fire. But that's not true that are very much alive but I made the choice to leave them when I met your mother. It was my first time in America and I didn't know what to expect. And it certainly wasn't to see a beautiful girl picking up her friend in front the train station that I was walking out from. As soon as I saw her, I knew why I had come to Tennessee. Determined to find who this girl was, I tried to find a job and make some money in hopes of renting a apartment in Nashville and hopefully run across the girl again. What I didn't know was that she was going to be right at the very place that I applied to work at."

"Knowing that I wouldn't be able to find many jobs considering I had no previous work experience, I started looking for any type of handy man jobs. I finally find a advertisement in the paper for a farm hand that included a room to stay. The man who was looking for a farm hand was Tommy Bentley; a former world war 2 pilot who was running the family farm while his wife Lucy who was a doctor ran the local doctor's surgery. Tommy was a kind man who offered me the job straight away, he joked he knew a trustworthy face when he saw one."

"I got settled in to my room that night trying to figure out what I was going to tell my family about where I was. I hadn't told them I was leaving, I just needed to get away from my older brother. I constantly felt like I would never meet the expectations he had set for me and that I would let him down. He had everything and was the most important person from where we came from. With his wife and two young sons, he was the picture of perfection and even thought I loved him dearly, I needed time away from all of it. I was actually his wife that recommend that I get away for a bit and to find who really was. Frigga was always a kind woman and I knew she would cover for me. I had spent so long as warrior in my brother's army, I no long knew who I was anymore. So in the middle of the night, I left and never looked back."

"After about an hour of thinking about the problem I had managed to get myself into, Lucy came to my door and told me dinner was nearly ready if I wanted to join the rest of the family. I was shocked at the invitation; she hardly knew me yet she was standing at the door smiling at me like I was her own son. I was quick to learn that in the small country town where the farm was, everyone was like family and it was a nice change to what I was used to. Walking down the stairs, I saw the last thing I expected. The girl from the train station. Kellie Bentley, you mother"

"After a year of working on the farm, I had fallen so deeply in love with your mother and wanted to marry her. But I knew I couldn't do so without sorting out the issues with my family. So I explained to Tommy that I had to go back home and sort somethings out about what happened to my family. Tommy being the kind man he was let me have the time off and with a promise to your mother that I wouldn't be gone long and with that I went home for the last time. Knowing I was about to give up everything to be with the woman I loved. I called out to Heimdall to open the Bifrost and and ready to face my brother for the first time in over year. Arriving home the first thing I saw was my older brother, Odin the All Father of the nine realms and he was not happy."


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