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Kimberly Odinson had the perfect life growing up in Tennessee. She lived on her Pa's farm with her mother Dr. Kellie Odinson worked for Oscorp as a research scientist looking for cures for rare diseases in their Nashville headquarters and her father Erik Odinson was born in Norway and was a orphan but moved to America in his early 20's. The first job he got when me moved to America was working on the Bentley Family farm, it was there that he met and fell in love with the doctor in training, Kellie Bentley and the rest is history.

Kimberly was the first child born to Erik and Kellie and was the perfect baby. With her curly blonde hair and big blue eyes, everyone always said she looked like a little angel. When Kimberly was 4 years old her brother was born. David was just as angelic looking as Kimberly, but was full of energy. Where Kimberly was quite happy to sit and read, David was always doing something whether it be riding his bike, playing baseball or as he got older working on the farm with his Father and Pa.

Everything about the Odinson/Bentley family looked normal but Kimberly always felt different. Yes, she did inherit her mother's brains and by the age of 21 was working on her masters in Literature and Mythology. But there was more than that, more than she could ever imagine. Whenever she got up set things would start to freeze over. Like the time her so called best friend read her diary out to the whole school when she was 15 telling everyone she had a crush on the captain of the football team. She ran in to the school's bathroom crying, after locking herself it to one of the stalls a little dusting of snow started to fall over her. Or the time when her Nana passed away and she was crying in her bedroom when her large bay window completely froze over in the middle of summer.

Over the years she learnt to somewhat control her powers but never told anyone. It wasn't that her parents wouldn't love her, it was just that mutants were starting to headline the news and stories about Professor Charles Xavier and his school for "freaks" as the reporters liked to call it, covered the front pages of all the newspapers. Kimberly just didn't want to draw attention to herself, she was quite and only had a few friends who she really didn't want to lose.

She was close with her whole family but had a special relationship with her father. Growing up she would beg to hear all the stories about Norse mythology or her heritage as he like to call it. She loved all of it but had a particular soft sport for Loki the trickster god. Even from a young age she would always say he was misunderstood and needed a friend. It was from these stories that Kimberly chose her career path. She wanted nothing more than to learn more about the Norse mythology and literature in general.

So, it wasn't surprising that her father wanted to take her to Norway the summer before she was set to start her masters. But what she didn't understand was why they were currently hiking through the Norwegian Fjords, apparently going nowhere at all. But it was in these Fjords that she was going to find who she really was.

Authors note: Hi everyone, Jessie here. This is my first story that I have ever published online. So you might have to bear with me while I stumble through things. The story will generally follow the marvel time line but somethings with move around a bit. That's because I'm a crazy person who is already planning the sequel with a crossover and if I follow the marvel timeline exactly things won't work out. And if you have made it this far, thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me!

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