Chapter 43: Five years later

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Five years had passed and I kept my promise to Steve, I continued on with my life but I never stopped loving him

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Five years had passed and I kept my promise to Steve, I continued on with my life but I never stopped loving him. Not a day went past that I didn't miss him but now I had someone else to live for. Elsa Margret Rogers was born on the 13th of December 2005, two months to the day after her cousin Danny. She was a perfect little angel and was just was just like Steve. Even from a young age she stood up for what was right and at the age of three stood up to a bully in her preschool that was picking on Danny, telling them that they were mean and what they did was wrong. I couldn't have been prouder of our little girl, I just wished Steve was there to see it.

I told Elsa everyday about her father and told her how much he loved her. She would often ask if he would come home and every time she did, it broke my heart. I tried my best to explain it to her, but at such a young age she didn't really understand. The one thing I was happy about was the fact that she had Danny, they were more like brother and sister than cousins. But when I watched them sometimes, I couldn't help but think about how it must have been the same way that Steve and Bucky would have acted when they were young.

One thing that she had inherited from me was my ice powers, but hers were much stronger than mine were when I was her age. I wished that I could take her to Asgard, but Nick Fury has told me when Thor has returned to Asgard the connection between our two worlds appeared to have broken. At first, I didn't believe him but when Loki and Frigga didn't visit, I knew it was true. So, I did my best to teach her how to use and control her powers but made sure she never feared them as I did growing up.

I had also thrown myself in to my masters and then doctorate. There was no way that I was going to miss a moment of my little girl growing up, so I was glad when I had been offered to complete it by distance education. I turned my focus more towards Norse mythology than my original plan of literature, mainly to see I could find a way to fix the Bifrost. Fury has told me that the tesseract had been returned to a safe location, leaving me to try to find another way that it could be done.

SHIELD had tried to recruit me as soon as I got my doctorate, but I turned them down. I have lived that life already and didn't want to go back to it. But I had become close friends with Natasha, Clint and Phil. As they continued their regular visits to make sure everything was ok, I started to learn more about them. Nat told me about her time in the red room and how she wanted to make up for everything had done. She has also become an aunt of sorts to Elsa and spoiled her rotten every time she visited.

I had also ended up meeting Clint's girlfriend and even helped him plan his proposal to her. He had also opened up to me and told me about his life when he worked for a circus and how he was deaf in one ear. It always amazed me that he could be such an expert marksman even though his balance had been thrown off because he could hear out of one ear. Just like his partner Nat, he liked to spoil Elsa as well but acted more like an older big brother than anything.

Phil was always only a call away when I felt like I needed to talk. Sadly, Peggy had started to show the signs of Alzheimer's and would confuse the past and the present. Seeing that I didn't want to upset her, Phil had stepped in and let me talk to him whenever I was feeling down. Even though he had to be the biggest Captain America fanboy, he never forced me to tell him everything about Steve. Instead, often asking how Elsa was and would always bring her a giant teddy bear for any special occasion, which in his mind was whenever he stopped in for a visit.

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