Chapter 15: Only a chance

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Steve's POV

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Steve's POV

It had been 4 months since Kimberly had left and 3 weeks since I had last got a letter from her. She said it might be a couple of weeks until she would be able to write to me and let me know where the new base was. But every day without her and not knowing where she was or if she was ok was killing me.

That's probably how I ended up at another enlistment office, trying to join the army once again. But like every time before, I was rejected. I had the 4F form in my jacket pocket, keeping it as another reminder of the failure that I was. I couldn't help but wonder what Kimberly saw in me, she could have anyone that she wanted. But she for some strange reason she chose me. She was literally part Norse god and she chose a 5'4 asthmatic guy from Brooklyn.

Walking slowly through the city wasn't doing me any good. So, when I saw a movie theatre playing a Jimmy Stewart movie, I bought a ticket. Mostly because it reminded me of Kimberly. I loved the look of happiness whenever she watched a Jimmy Stewart movie, it was like she was watching the movie for the very first times no matter how many times that she had seen it.

They were playing the latest news reels of the war when some jerk started yelling for the cartoons to start. I could feel myself getting angrier the long he went on. It was like he was completely unaware of the people around him, including the number of women that were crying at the scenes that were playing out before them.

"Let's go! Get on with it! Hey, just start the cartoons!"

"Hey Buddy, you wanna shut up?!" The second the words came out of my mouth the loud mouth jerk got up out of seat and turned to face me. There was no doubting he was a big guy, but I didn't regret calling him for one minute. He pulled me up out of my seat and dragged me out side.

Once we were in the ally next to the theatre, he punched me so hard I hit the wall behind me. My jaw hurt and I knew that it was going to bruise in the next few days but that didn't stop me. Grabbing a bin lid to use as a shield, I faced the man again. He rolled his eyes at me as he grabbed my makeshift shield and threw it away. Before I could even brace myself, he took a swing and hit me in the jaw again. I stumbled a bit, then threw another punch at him.

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" he said as he easily grabbed my fist.

"I could do this all day."

Just as he was about to hit me again someone pulled him back.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Bucky said as he easily threw the man to the ground. Looking up I saw that he was in full dress uniform making the jerk think twice before taking him on. After a few seconds he backed away and ran from the ally.

"You know Steve, sometimes I think you like being beat up."

"I had him on the ropes."

"Sure, you did buddy. Do me a favor and don't get yourself killed in some back ally until Kimberly gets back. I don't want to be the one who has to explain to her that you wouldn't back down from a fight. I think she would seriously freeze my ass on the spot."

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