Chapter Twenty-Nine: Love Is A Battlefield

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Hanji and her squad was completely wiped out. Thankfully they were all unconscious and laid down across the top of the wall. Armin, Levi and Historia were the only ones other than myself who were conscious and somewhat uninjured.

Sasha, Levi and I had to go inform Commander Erwin of the events that had just taken place since we were the advanced squad. I protested that I should stay and help take care of them, but Sasha had been able to convince me to go with her back to Trost.

As much as I wanted to see Erwin and the others, I knew I could stay and help. I wanted to make myself useful. I just wanted to do something, anything.


Sasha and I were given water which we gratefully and with no wasted time chugged down. I hadn't realized how dehydrated I was until the water touched my lips. We were all surrounded by a bunch of soldiers from the Garrison, Military police, and fellow Survey corps scouts. I found a few of my friends in the group, but now was not the time to socialize.

One of our fellow scouts Phil began to explain to Commander Pixis about what we encountered during the expedition. He was telling everyone about how we hadn't found any sign of a breach.

"I see. No breach as far as you could tell, correct?" The bald old Commander questioned.

"That's correct sir" Phil was wheezing and every word that escaped his mouth was accompanied by a loud cough.

"Mm. As I thought."

"But, Sir! A situation has developed! You see, we ran into another group on the way back to Trost. It was the Scout unit led by Section Commander Hanji. There were recruits from the 104th Cadet Corps with them, none of whom had equipment. This may sound crazy, sir, but three of them were titans!" As Phil finished speaking to drink more of his water, the entire group gasped.

"What the- Hang on a sec, seriously? You mean like there were three... more? But... who were they? Who damn it!?" Jean angrily took a step forward but was stopped by Erwin.

I stepped forward to face everyone. "it was...Reiner Braun, Bertholt Hoover, and Ymir." it irked me just saying their names out loud.

Jean widened his eyes and his mouth went agape. "No... no way! Reiner and Bertholt!?"

I nodded.

"What happened when their Titan forms were revealed?" Erwin asked.

"The Scouts engaged the Armored Titan and the Colossal Titan in battle as best as we could, sir. But our advances failed. Reiner and Bertholt... they took Eren and Ymir. Hanji and her whole squad were injured. As of right now they lay unconscious on top of the wall. A few people from the garrison and scouts are tending to their injuries as we speak." I let out deep exhale. I hadn't realized I'd been holding my breath the whole time.

Erwin gave me a sympathetic look. Looking at him during times like this always seemed to help calm my nerves. After everything that went down the past few days, I've been feelings completely overwhelmed. Seeing Erwins friendly face was definitely a huge relief.

"We have to go after him" I pleaded with the commander. His expression was soft as he began to move towards me. Erwin used one of his big hands to cup the right side of my cheek. I raised my eyebrows in confusion and surprise. I could hear slight mumbling coming from the crowd around us too. I felt my face heat up and I knew I was as red as a berry by now. I don't know if my reaction was caused by the public embarrassment or Erwins soft touch.

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now