Chapter Twenty-One: Never Trust The Quiet Ones

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As we passed through the towering gates of the walls, a ceremonial salute from the military police welcomed our arrival. Their crisp gestures and stern salutes conveyed a sense of duty, as they were entrusted with the solemn responsibility of safeguarding us on our way.

"Wow, the inner walls are quite luxurious." I said, my voice carrying a touch of awe as I peered through the carriage window, absorbing the sight of large brick houses lining the street, each adorned with vibrant colors on at least one part of the building. The bustle of people, draped in extravagant attire.

"It's quite nice isn't it?" Erwin asked.

I hummed in agreement.

"Do you think when we get back from the mission and the capital we can stop and look at some shops?" I asked.

"That could be arranged." Erwin smiled.

"You have money?" Levi raised an eyebrow at me.

"For your information Captain, I still have a bunch of money saved up from my time in the underground. I found it when I was cleaning out my bags."

"You still have that?" Hanji asked surprised.

"Yeah, The last time we were in town I forgot it, but this time I brought it just in case." I opened up the satchel that sat in my lap to reveal a decent sized pouch of money.

"Wow! That's a lot. Why do you have so much?" Hange questioned.

"I just always saved up and added any extra money I could. I had planned to save up enough to get back to the surface. Eventually it all added up after some years. Not to mention the corps wages I get from our dear commander here" I winked.

"I didn't join you the last time you went into town, mind if I join this time?" Erwin asked.

"Of course not, eyebrows."

"Well if you two are going, mind If I join as well?" Levi crossed his arms across his chest and looked at me.

"That sounds perfect, now all four of us can go do something fun together." I clasped my hands together and gave a small smile. Maybe it'll be a good thing to do so that everyone can get a chance to relax. Everything's been so crazy and sad that I think it'll be good to get our minds off of it all.


As the rest of the scouts were working on their part of the plan to capture the female titan; Levi, Erwin and I were waiting in the carriage in anticipation for something, anything to happen.

Levi was gritting his teeth, his legs bounced up and down nervously as we waited. I placed my hand on his knee. "it'll be fine Captain, don't worry too much."

Levi's face relaxed a little. He placed his hand ontop of mine and gave it a gentle reassuring squeeze.

"I'm worried about Eren." I said.

"The last time... when we were in the forest when Eren fought the female titan, She took him. I'm worried that she'll get him again" 

"We just have to have faith in him." Erwin put his hand on my shoulder and gave a nod. The peace was quickly interrupted by a loud blast and smoke forming in the air a few miles ahead of us.

"I guess that's our cue." for some odd and twisted reason I was excited. I wanted desperately to find out who the female titan was, to treat her the way she treated a fourth of the scouts and my squad mates. 

Erwin furrowed his brows. "Yes. I thinks it's safe to assume one of the two changed."

The three of us hopped out of the carriage to speak with the military police.

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now