Chapter Twenty-Seven: Betrayal In The Common Room

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After the long ride to Ehrmich district was over Levi gently shook me awake.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pass out." I said, yawning and stretching my arms out. "It's night already!?" I exclaimed surprised at how I managed to sleep through the whole day.

"It's fine. I don't mind." Levi offered me a hand and helped me stand up from the warm wooden bench. We made base for the night and all the squad leaders including all seven of my squad members were ordered to meet with Hanji inside of a run down brick building.

"Section Commander? Something wrong?" Eren asked. Everyone was confused as to why we were here and what Hanji wanted to discuss.

I leaned over to Levi and whispered to him trying to be as quiet as I could. "Do you know what's going on?"

"Not a clue. There's always something new with her." Levi shrugged.

"Huh? Oh, uh well I was finally able to get my hands on the background report I requested for Annie Leonhart."


"Yeah. Took longer than I was hoping for. The paper trail's a bit of a catastrophe at the moment. Bureaucracy, huh? Anyways, according to this, there were two other cadets in the 104th who hailed from the same region. I have their names. One Reiner Braun and Bertholt Hoover."

"Reiner?" I exclaimed, louder than I should have.

I jolted as I felt a warm sensation on my back. I turned to see that it was just Levi's hand. This was his way of saying 'it's going to be fine.' And as much as I appreciated the gesture, I wasn't so sure if this time it really was going to be fine. I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued to listen to what Hanji had to say.

"Not much survives in the way of records, and thanks to the chaos five years ago, what we have on them is unreliable. However, we do know that during the long range scouting formation, their unit was given false intel. They were among those intentionally misled into thinking Eren was in the right wing."

"Wait a minute. Wasn't that the section Annie attacked?" I asked.

Sasha turned to me "What does that mean?" She questioned.

"Well, it's entirely possible they told Annie where they thought Eren was" Armin chimed in.

"Where are you going with this, Armin?" Eren asked angrily. Eren grabbed Armins arm and brought him closer to him "You can't just accuse-"

"I totally agree." Hanji cut in. "Coincidence doesn't establish relationships. Bearing that in mind, I'm curious to know how the three of them interacted while training. What can you tell me?"

"I knew that Bertholt and Reiner were from the same region as Annie, but I never saw them act super friendly after the first year in the training corp." Armin answered.

"Same with me. You'd never catch 'em shootin' the breeze anymore. And when they did talk it was pretty curt, plus it's not like Annie was very social to begin with." Eren said, his gaze lowering as he tried to remember his time with them in the training corps.

"Now that you all mention it, I remember at the beginning of our first few years in the Training corps Reiner would always tease Bertholt for having a thing for Annie. Bertholt seemed to sit with her often during meal times, but that stopped after a while and the two boys; Reiner mostly, integrated into our group. I had just assumed they fell out after a while." I said, remembering how the three seemed close at first until one day they just didn't.

"Guys, what are we doing? These are our comrades we're talking about. Yeah, sure. Bertholt never had a lot to say. But Reiner's like everyone's big brother, y'know? He always tries to flirt with y/n and he likes to make jokes sometimes. He's just a normal person!"

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora