Chapter Ten: Prove Yourself

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As Commander Pixis led us to the top of wall rose. He agreed to bring his best strategists to come talk with Armin about the plan he came up with during his speech.

"So what do you propose we do?" Pixis questioned.

Armin looked over at me. "I think my friend over here can explain it to you." 

I was surprised Armin didn't voice his idea himself, usually he's excited to propose whatever the gears in his mind managed to spit out. 

 "We propose that we have Eren transform back into his titan form and plug the hole in wall Maria."

The three strategists Pixis brought looked at each other skeptically  before turning their attention back to us. "And what would we use that's big enough to plug it?" One asked.

"Over there! We use that big boulder to plug the hole." Armin pointed at a large boulder that sat in the middle of the destroyed town in a pile of rubble. Titans were still walking around the area, one bumping into the wall below us.

"But what about the titans?" The other asked.

"We distract them." Suddenly and with perfect timing as always, Erwin and Levi appeared from behind us. Erwin had a serious look on his face, one I wasn't very used to seeing. He looked over to me, catching my gaze and giving me a smile so barely visible I thought I may have imagined it.

I pointed over to the wall opposite of the side with the large hole. "I agree with the Commander, we can use some of our men to distract and attack the titans, taking down as many as possible so that Eren can get through them with ease and to guarantee that he won't get eaten before being able to plug the hole. We should take a large group of men to the opposite side of the wall considering titans tend to go after larger groups of humans." 

The men and Pixis looked at eachother and nodded.

"It's a good strategy and it actually could work" one of the men said.

"How many men will you need?" Pixis asked.

"Just enough to grab the titans attention and enough to kill them" Armin answered quickly. I looked over at Eren and gave him a smile. He seemed to calm down a little, but there was an immense amount of pressure on him now that he was forced into these unforeseen circumstances. This is a matter between life and death for him. I couldn't help but feel scared for my friend.

Levi came up next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Let my squad and I assist. I'll take care of grabbing the rest of the men needed" Levi gave me a side glance, his eyes speaking the words he did not. I knew what he was trying to say. Three years together, almost every hour of everyday really helps you learn more about someone.  I knew he was saying "Be careful". 

"Great, let's not waste anymore time. Eren are you ready?" Pixis asked. Everyone turned to look at Eren. He had the same look in his eyes that he always did when he wanted something bad enough. Eren nodded, all sense of fear seemed to wash off his face.

"And what happens if he goes out of control?" One of the men asked.

"I'll take care of it" I chimed in. Everyone muttered in agreement with the plan. Mikasa looked over at me with a scowl. Not very keen on the idea of her friend having to take her other friend out if push came to shove. Pixis turned to face all of the men below us. I didn't know everyone was gathering together in such a large crowd. Pixis cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Attention! I will now begin to explain the plan to reclaim trost district!" The crowd began to whisper amongst themselves.

"A plan to take back trost district?"

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