Chapter 15: Prisoner

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The guards dragged him into a cold, dark room and chained him to the wall. Over the next few hours the guards tortured him over and over again. Enough!

He heard the Pharaohs voice shout. The guard lowered the whip, blood dripping down the end, creating a small puddle on the floor. Have you learned your lesson boy?

Quasimodo Looked up at the man, then looked away. Well, What do you have to say for yourself slave?! The Pharaoh lifted his face so that he had no choice but to look him in the eye. Well? Instead of an answer he spat in the Pharaoh's face.

Disgusted the pharaoh stood and walked towards the door. I don't think he's learned his lesson. Do you? Perhaps a few more lashes will make him a bit more....Obedient. Resume. Quasimodo screamed in pain as the whip struck his back.

After a few hours, the Pharaoh returned. The guard raised the whip to strike the boy again, but the Pharaoh stopped him. "I think that's enough." The boys learned his lesson.

Haven't you, he said smirking down at the boy chained to the wall. Y-Yes, he whimpered. Yes what? Quasimodo Immediately knew what the man wanted to hear. He had heard it to many times before. Y-Yes master. He stuttered. I knew you'd give in eventually.

He leaned down next to the boy and whispered in his ear. I own you! Don't forget that, slave! He nodded meekly. I own you and the rest of your people. Your Mine! The only reason I'm letting you live is because of your mother. She almost risked her life to save you, lets not ruin her memory by acting that way again. 

Understand he growled. Quasimodo nodded. He motioned his guards to follow. No food or water is to be given to him. Is that clear. Yes, your majesty said one of the guards.

Quasimodo looked up at the fading sunlight as the sun sank beneath the horizon. He winced as he turned away from the setting sun. I'm Such a fool! I should have never come here. His heart almost stopped as he heard the sound of the door open. Had the Pharaoh changed his mind? Was he going to die?!

He closed his eyes as he waited for his death. He was surprised however when he heard a female voice near him. "Its alright, There's nothing to be afraid of."

He flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, I won't hurt you." "Here, you must be thirsty." He felt a cup pressed against his lip. He felt cold water trickling down his throat.

He nervously opened his eyes, coming face to face with the Pharaohs wife. He gasped startled and backed away. The queen offered what looked like bread to him and he looked at her suspiciously.

Go on take it. You must be hungry. His stomach growled and he took it carefully from her hand. He looked at her confused. "Why....Why are you helping  me?"

The Pharaoh said....I am well aware of what my husband said. "B-But the guards-Are to busy guarding my husband," she Laughed. She smiled at him. You've grown up. "You look just like your father."

He stared at her in shock. You knew my father? She nodded "Y-You remember me?" Of course, how could I forget? W-Why? She frowned confused. Why did you only pick Moses. Why not me as well? She sighed. I feared my husband would realize who's son you where and have you killed.

Y-Y-You saved my life. He realized. She nodded. I did. If you would have died. T-Thank you. She nodded. I have to go I cant stay long. I don't want my husband finding out I fed you.

W-Wait! M-My brother is he- He's safe. Does he...Does he know? She shook her head. No, he does not, but I fear that day will come soon enough. Y-You care about him. Yes, I do. He smiled Thank You. F-For the food. She Smiled and She closed the door as Quasimodo drifted asleep.

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