Chapter 25:Many, Many Years Later

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Three thousand four hundred ninety-nine years later ( Give or take a few) There were Jewish people not just in Israel but all over the world. Its in Canada where our story ends.

Quinn Walker was 16 years old. His mother Hannah Walker and Ethen walker were both Jewish having been raised by strict Jewish parents. He grew up like every Typical Jewish kid. He went to synagogue went to Hebrew school and had his Bar Mitzvah when he was 13.

However, unlike most kids he didn't look normal. He was born with a disfigured face and a hunchback. Despite his disability he never let it hold him back. He was an athlete. He ran track and field and even played football.

The person Quinn looked up to the most was his grandmother. His grandmother had grown up in Poland and was a survivor of the holocaust. He had learned about the holocaust in school, he couldn't imagine how scary it must have been for her.

His grandmothers name was Miriam after the sister of Moses. He always looked forward to visiting her. But lately his grandmother had been sick, and he worried about her and hoped she would get well soon.

However late one afternoon after coming back from school he learned some unfortunate news. As soon as he walked through the front door he saw his mother and father sitting on the couch tears in their eyes. "Quinn, Honey there something we need to tell you." Its about your grandmother.

The next week they held his grandmother's funeral. Everyone wore a black ribbon pinned to their shirts. Quinn hadn't been able to look at his grandmother's body in the coffin.

Her coffin was soon laid into the ground and everyone at the funeral took turns throwing a handful of dirt into the hole as was the tradition at any Jewish funeral. (Including the black ribbons)

Quinn tossed a handful of dirt onto the coffin tears staining his face. That afternoon after coming back from his grandmothers funeral he collapsed on his bed looking up at the ceiling Why? Why did she die?

He turned on his side looking at the wooden floor of his attic bedroom, when he noticed something odd. There was a lose floor board. He kneeled down and moved the lose floorboard to reveal something strange.

Sitting in the space under the floorboards was an object covered by a white shawl. He unwrapped the shawl to reveal a very old book. Its pages frayed at the edges and yet still otherwise intact.

Where had this come from? Had his grandmother hid it when he wasn't looking. She did spend most of her old age here living in the guest room downstairs. She would often visit him upstairs via the stairlift they had installed for her.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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