Chapter 5: Torture and Torment

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Miriam smiled happy for her brother. She smiled as the people cheered for her brother. Quasimodo! Quasimodo! They cheered. However, things soon changed when a tomato flew out from the crowd and struck her brother in the face.

"Now that's ugly!" Shouted the soldier who had thrown the tomato. It was one of the same soldiers who had tried to arrest her and Esmeralda this morning.

"Hail to the king!" Another soldier shouted. Long live the king! Another soldier shouted. "Bon appétit!" Shouted another. Quasimodo tried to run but slipped and fell hard on his back. This caused the whole crowd to burst into laughter. Just as young hunchback tried to escape another voice called out.

"Where are you going', hunchback?" "The fun's just beginning." He tried to run but a rope snagged around his neck causing him to fall onto the platform. He tried to remove the rope around his neck only for another rope to wrap around his arm. The crowds cruel laughter rang in his ears.

With a roar of anger, the hunchback stood fighting against the ropes his shirt tearing down the back as he threw people of their feet. He fought the ropes as best as he could but the more he got rid of them the more appeared. He suddenly collapsed under the weight of the ropes and fell to his knees in defeat as two men jumped on the stage.

They forced his arms behind his back and tied him down to the rotating platform with wicked grins. They spun the platform then jumped off the stage as the crowd continued their torture. Miriam stared at this in horror she soon heard her brother call out to judge frollo. "Master!" "Master, please!" "Help me!" Frollo turned his head ignoring the poor boys' pleas.

This is all my fault! I have to stop this. She felt her brother grab her arm as she tried to approach the stage. Miriam, I know you want to help him; I know he's my brother to, but if you do this, you'll anger frollo. "I don't have a choice I have to." She said as she broke free of her brother's grip and made her way up the steps of the stage.

Her brother stared up at her in fear and pain. Its alright she said as loosened a scarf from around her waist. "I'm so sorry." This wasn't supposed to happen, she said using the scarf to wipe the tomato juice from his face. "You!" "Gypsy girl!" "Get down at once!" Miriam turned to glare at the judge. She wasn't a gypsy, but it seems frollo didn't notice or even care. Instead of insulting him she calmly spoke to him.

"Yes, your honor." "Just as soon as I free this poor creature." She said motioning to the poor boy behind her. "I forbid it!" She glared at him before taking a dagger that she had strapped to her ankle and cutting her brother free. "How dare you defy me?"

"You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people." "You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help." She said motioning to the boy behind her. "Silence!" Frollo shouted in outrage. Justice! Miriam shouted back pumping her fist in the air. She turned to help her brother stand. "Mark my words, gypsy." "You will pay for this insolence."

She glared at him at first then smirked. "Then it appears we've crowned the wrong fool, she said taking the fools crown off of Quasimodo's head. "The only fool I see is you!" She snapped throwing the crown at his feet. Captain Phoebus arrest her! Esmeralda appeared on the stage in front of her friend.

"Now, let's see." One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. She said counting the guards So there's ten of you and only two of us. What ever are we to do, Esmeralda said pulling a handkerchief from her shirt. She began to cry and as she blew her nose the girls disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke.

When the smoke cleared, they were gone. Witchcraft! Said Frollo shocked. Oh, boys. Over here. Esmeralda called out. The two girls and Esmeraldas goat where hiding behind a stand that was holding masks. -There they are! Get them. The girls lead the guards on a wild chase around the square eventually disappearing on a nearby stage.

Frollo turns to glare at his stepson who soon realizes he's in trouble. "Find her, Captain." I want her alive. Yes sir. "Seal off the area, men." "Find the gypsy girl and do not harm her." Quasimodo stared into his stepfather's cold eyes. "I'm sorry, Master." "I will never disobey you again."

Quasimodo walked through the crowd. People backed away in fear some commenting on how ugly he was. Miriam watched as her brother walked into the cathedral. This is all my fault Miriam said. Its not your fault Miriam I pulled him up onto the stage.

You don't understand. Understand what? He's my brother, I persuaded him into going. This is all my fault. "I have to go check to make sure he's alright. I'll meet you back at the Court of Miracles. Esmeralda nodded and watched as her friend rushed towards Notre Dame.

 Esmeralda nodded and watched as her friend rushed towards Notre Dame

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