Chapter 18: Flight From Egypt

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The next day Quasimodo was dragged from his cell by the Pharaohs guards. The Pharaoh Sneered down at him. Have you learned your lesson boy? The Pharaoh asked glaring down at him. Y-Yes. Yes what? The Pharaoh growled. Y-Yes....Master.

He smirked at him as the guards dragged him away. Remember boy, I own you. You try to escape, and It will be the last thing you ever do. Understand! Yes. I-I understand. The guards dragged down the steps of the palace and out into the blinding sunlight.

He winced as his as the bright sunlight hit his eyes. He blinked back tears as his eyes watered. When his vision cleared he saw the slaves working away in the hot sun. Some stopped to stare at him as the guards dragged him passed.

"Who is that" Asked one slave shocked. "He looks like the same boy they dragged to the palace two days ago." You mean that's Yocheved's  son? "That's Asher?" It must be. "He reminds me of that strange foreigner who was always visiting Yocheved." What was his name again? I cant remember said another slave shrugging his shoulders.

The guards threw him to the ground and marched back to the palace. "Asher!" He turned to see Miriam rushing toward him. M-Miriam? He said weakly. "What did they do to you dear brother?!" She asked helping him to stand.

I'm fine Miriam he said trying to calm his sister's worries. "You don't look fine?" Said Aaron jokingly. He rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Miriam. Miriam you won't believe what happened I-Before he could finish he heard the guards shout behind them.

Back to work, all of you! He sighed. I-I'll tell you later. He looked up at the sky. Then looked behind him at where he had been led out from the palace. Whatever your plan is Moses, I hope it works.

Meanwhile Moses paced back in forth in his room. All he could think about was his brother, his real brother chained and being worked to death in the hot sun. He had made a promise to free him. He still didn't even know his brothers name! He'd forgotten to ask.

He felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He smiled relieved to see his mother. "Your worried about him, aren't you? He nodded. Do not worry my son, he'll be fine. He is strong, and besides, he has your sister to watch out for him. He sighed. I hope your right.

That night Quasimodo slept soundly. He was lucky not to have received to much trouble from the guards. That was until the end of the day. He had been exhausted and had fallen. When one of the guards saw this they where not at all happy.

Before he could get away a whip struck him across the face giving him a nasty cut across his face. It sadly probably would not heal to well and he would have this scar for the rest of his life. The scar stretched across his left eye.

The guard would have struck him again, but Miriam helped him up. Luckily by then the day was already over. Unlike the way he'd been treated in the palace the slaves where different. They treated like he was one of their own. They even shared their food with him. Miriam even managed to sew him new clothes.

The Prince of Egypt:The Long Lost BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now