Chapter 13: The trip Into Egypt

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Over the next few day few days the siblings packed for their trip. Are you sure you want to do this? Esmerelda asked Quasimodo. I have to do this. You sure are brave. If I were in your shoes, I don't think I could even do it. Said Phoebus.

I will miss you both, but this has to be done. It might take a while, maybe even a few years. I promise I will see you both again. Good luck my friend. Said Esmeralda giving him a hug. He smiled. Thank you.

He looked back at the place that had been his home his whole life. Was he really ready to leave it all behind? He had to. He had to free his people. He couldn't just stay here and do nothing while his people suffered! That wasn't him.

Brother? Brother? He felt a hand on his shoulder. Asher are you coming? He turned to see his sister, a worried look on her face. Sorry, I-I'm coming. He followed his sister as he boarded the ship. Soon the ship set sail as it headed for the shores of Africa.

Finally, after month of rough seas they finally made it. The ship docked on the far side of the continent. (in the country of what we now know as Libya not far from Egypt might I add) Quasimodo wore a heavy dark blue cloak of some sort. It hid his disfigured features perfectly. The captain had been nice enough to give it to him.

They then made their way into the desert, though not before renting camels from a merchant. He had never seen a camel before, but he had read somewhere they could be mean creatures. The camel he got however was friendly and even tempered.

Like him the creatures where considerably odd looking, like he was, and they also had a hump on their back like he did. They spent the next few days traveling. They slept under the stars by night and traveled during the day, taking breaks in between to rest because of the hot sun. Quasimodo didn't think he had ever been so hot and tired in all his life.

They soon finally arrived at their destination. Are we really here? Quasimodo asked looking perplexed. The cities just over these dunes, she motioned. Quasimodo began climbing the sandy hill. Asher get down from there! "Don't worry I just want to take a quick look."

He climbed up the sandy hill and looked out over the tops of the dunes. Below he could see what he had come here to stop. Below where dozens of men, women, and even children working away in the hot sun.

He couldn't stand the sight of it! It was more horrible then had imagined. He watched as one of the slaves fell to the ground. One of the guards raised his whip and Quasimodo closed his eyes and winced as he heard the man cry out in pain.

This is worse than I realized. How am I going to free all of these people? Suddenly he heard a scream below him. He saw three men down below two of them were holding his sister. He recognized them Immediately from his vision. They were the Pharaohs guards!

He was about to rush down the dune to save his sister when he froze. "Are you really willing to risk your freedom?" His older brothers words echoed in his head. For you and Miriam brother, I would risk my life to protect you both. He would rather be imprisoned and enslaved than watch his only family taken from him.

He didn't care what happened to him. He charged down the dunes at the guards. Leave them alone! The guards glared at him as they shoved him back. The hood of the blue cloak falling from his face. He heard the guards gasp.

They had seen his face he realized, horrified. He tried to crawl away, but he felt something strike the back of his head. Hard. He gasped in pain and lay there on the ground. His vision blurred he could see the feet of the guards walking toward him. One of the guards sounded slightly older. Almost in his 50s by the sound of it. The other Two sounded younger.

What is that thing. I don't know, it looks like some kind of demon, Said the other guard. "Take us please! Let our brother go!" He heard Miriam cry. Quite! The older guard snapped. This boy, whatever he is reminds me of a man I knew once. That man betrayed the Pharaoh and tried to run away with one of his slaves.

I heard that story. Said the other guard. What was that slaves name? The younger guard asked. Yocheved the older guard said. Now that you mention it, this girl looks just like her. The older guard chuckled.

It's a shame her brother didn't get his father's good looks, He said kicking the boy in the ribs. Quasimodo grunted in pain glaring up at the guards, his vision blurred.

He felt them tie his hands behind his back and they forced a sack over his head. "We'll head to the city first thing in the morning. "He said dragging Quasimodo to his feet. "Though i'm certain the Pharaoh won't be too happy to see you. The older guard said throwing him to the ground.

He heard Miriam's right next to him I'm sorry brother. "I'm so, so sorry." Its not your fault Miriam. It was my choice to come here. Quite! One of the guards shouted at them. You two should probably get some sleep, he Arron say. You'll need it.

Quasimodo gulped. What would happen to them. They should have never come here. This is all my fault. What did I think was going to happen. I'm so stupid! What will happen to me? Will the pharaoh have me killed?! What if I die?!

He took a deep breath. This had to be done. There will be obstacles along the way but its all for the greater good. I'll be fine. God saved me once that day on the river. I pray he'll save me again. He closed his eyes tight tears streaming down his face as he drifted of to sleep.

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