Chapter 7:Frollo's Decent into Hellfire

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Quasimodo felt a hand grab his own as he climbed over the balcony. His Eyes widened as he came face to face the captain of the guards, Captain Phoebus. I'm looking for a friend of mine. Her names Miriam have you seen her. Quasimodo becoming protective of his sister growled as he lunged at the captain.

"Whoa, whoa! Easy!" "No soldiers! Sanctuary! Get out!" Wait! All I want is to...

"Go!" "I mean her no harm." "Go!" Phoebus swung his sword pinning the torch to the wall. Quasimodo lifted Phoebus in the air with one hand. He glared at the man. "You tell her for me, I didn't mean to trap her here, but it was the only way I could save her life." "Will you tell her that?" Will you? "If you go. Now." Quasimodo said glaring at him. I'll go. "Now, will you put me down, please?"

Quasimodo lowered the soldier back to the ground. Phoebus sheathed his sword. Oh and one more thing. Tell Your sister she's very lucky. Why? To have a brother like you. He said smiling before heading down the stairs. He sighed. It felt like the other way around really. He was lucky to have a sister like Miriam.

Despite what happened at the festival if it hadn't been for her he never would have gotten the courage to leave the church. He had never thought anyone would care about him like she did. He had never thought anyone would love him. However, this was a different kind of love. The love of a sister. His Family. He smiled as he rang the bells that evening.

Meanwhile down in the lower half of the church the priests began to sing in Latin.

"Confiteor Deo"


"Beatae Mariae"

"Semper Virgini"

"Beato Michaeli archangelo"

"Sanctis apostolis"



All of the lights in the city of Paris began to dim, all except one light which was coming from the Palace of Justice. Frollo stood on the balcony looking out at the dark night sky. All he could think about was the pretty young gypsy girl who dared to defy him at the festival. What had he heard the people call her, Miriam. Strange feelings stirred in the judges mind. What where these feelings. Was he falling for the girls charms? No! I wont be fooled by this witch!

"Beata Maria"

"You know l am a righteous man"

"Of my virtue l am justly proud"

"Et tibit Pater"

"Beata Maria"

"You know I'm so much purer than, the common, vulgar, weak licentious crowd"

"Quia peccavi nimis"

"Then tell me, Maria"

"Why l see her standing there"

"Why her smouldering eyes still scorch my soul"


"Suddenly an image of Miriam appeared in the flames." The women in the flames smirked at him.

"l feel her, l see her"

"The sun caught in her dark hair is blazing in me out of all control"

"Verbo et opere"

"Like fire"


"This fire in my skin"

"This burning desire"

"ls turning me to sin"

Suddenly hooded figures dressed in red appeared around him.

"lt's not my fault"

"Mea culpa"

"I'm not to blame"

"Mea culpa"

"lt is the gypsy girl"

"The witch who sent this flame"

"Mea maxima culpa"

"lt's not my fault if in God's plan"

"Mea culpa"

"Mea Culpa"

"He made the devil so muchstronger than a man"

"Protect me, Maria"

"Don't let this siren cast her spell"

"Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone"

"Destroy Miriam and let her taste the fires of hell"

"Or else let her be mine and mine alone."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. He turned to see a soldier at the door. "Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped." What? "She's nowhere in the cathedral." "She's gone." "But how I- He turned and glared at the soldier. "Never mind, get out, you idiot." "I'll find her." "I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris." The soldier closed the door and left Frollo alone once again in front of the blazing fire.


"Dark fire"

"Now, gypsy lt's your turn"

"Choose me or your pyre"

"Be mine or you will burn"

"Kyrie eleison"

"God have mercy on her"

"Kyrie eleison"

"God have mercy on me"

"Kyrie eleison"

"But she will be mine"

"Or she"



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