Chapter 12: The Truth About the Past

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Quasimodo stared at his sister in shock. Why.....Why didn't you tell me? I wanted to tell you I just....I didn't want you to worry. Didn't want me to worry! 

About what that I have a brother who doesn't even know who he is or the fact that you lied to me! Brother please! He looked up at his sister only to realize she was crying.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. It's just......I'm tired of being lied to. I'm sorry little brother I'll never lie to you again. He hugged his sister tears streaming down his face. That night Quasimodo and Miriam celebrated Phoebus and Esmeraldas wedding in the court of Miracles.

Clopan noticed his nephew looked sad and distant, however. "you told him didn't you." Miriam nodded. Clopan sighed. " He was going to find out sooner or later." You couldn't lie to him forever. I know.

Quasimodo had a hard time falling asleep that night. Everything he had learned about who he really was, his past. It was to much. His mother had been a Jew and a slave. His brother, his other brother. Moses that was what his sister called him. He had been raised by the very man who had tried to have him killed.

These thoughts swam in Quasimodo's head as he slept. Soon however he began to dream. He heard the faraway sound of a woman singing. He tossed and turned fitfully in his sleep. The dream soon changed, and he was standing on hill of sand, a bird flew over his head as the women's voice grew louder. The sky above him covered in clouds.

Then suddenly there was a flash as the light of the sun blinded him. He blinked back the tears in his eyes and that's when he saw them. He was surrounded by thousands of people. Some in rags some even in chains. His eyes widened in horror.

Could these people people. The slaves of Egypt. His mother had been a slave. But why was he seeing this? This did not seem like a dream. Could it be....a vision? But what did it mean? He made his way through the crowd of slaves as heard them sing.






"Mud, and lift!"

"Sand and pull!"

"Water and raise up!" Straw!" Faster one of the guards yelled striking one of the slaves with a whip. Quasimodo winced at this brutality. He wished there were something he could do but all he could do was watch as they continued there song.

"With the sting of the whip, on my shoulder!"

"With the salt of my sweat on my brow!"

" Elohim, God on high, can you hear your people cry?" As they sang this part Quasimodo began to cry. Why? Why were these people prisoners. How could god allow this!? He wiped the tears from his eyes, only to realize he was crying blood.

" Help us now!"

" This dark hour!"

The Prince of Egypt:The Long Lost BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now