Chapter 3 : Before The Festival

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Miriam sat watching her best friend dance. Esmeralda was such a beautiful dancer. It was no wonder people called her the finest girl in France. She saw a soldier in gold armor staring at her. Esmeralda smiled and winked at the soldier. Who smiled back. Suddenly Miriam heard someone whistle from above her head.

The little gypsy boy who had whistled disappeared over the wall. That whistle could only mean one thing. The guards were coming! Esmeralda and Miriam ran but as they did Miriam Noticed Esmeralda's pet goat Djali grab the hat that held the coins Esmeralda had earned and the coins spilled everywhere.

Both her and Esmeralda stopped to pick up the coins when the shadows of the guards appeared over them. "All right, gypsies" "Where'd ya get the money?" "For your information, I earned it," Esmeralda said glaring at the guard. 

"Gypsies don't earn money." He said rolling his eyes "They steal it." "You'd know a lot about stealing," Said Miriam glaring at the other guard.

"Troublemaker, eh?" Said one of the guards grabbing Miriam's wrist. "Maybe a day in the stocks will cool ya down." Said the other guard grabbing Esmeraldas arm. Djali seeing they were in trouble head butted the guards in the stomach. The men fell as the two women made their escape.

"Come back here, gypsies!" The guards shouted chasing after them. Suddenly a man pulled his horse out in front of the guards. Both of the guards fell on the ground. "Achilles sit!" The man in gold armor said to his horse. The horse did as he was told sitting on one of the guards. "Oh, dear, I'm sorry." "Naughty horse! Naughty!" "He's just impossible." Really, I can't take him anywhere.

The girls laughed at the guards predicament as they ran off. Miriam followed her friend back to the Court of Miracles. "Miriam there you are!" She turned to see her older brother Aron. "I was worried sick, I thought something happened to!" I'm fine Aron, I was just with Esmeralda. Can I talk with you? Alone.

They walked to her caravan where they wouldn't be heard. "What is it Miriam?" What's wrong, he said frowning. I found him. Found? "Found who?" Our Brother. I found Asher! "Miriam our brother is dead, remember." He died at sea. "No one could survive that journey." But he did.

"I've met him, Aron." "Do you remember the stories that Clopan tells the children?" The one about the deformed man in the belltower? She nodded. That's him. Aron sighed. Fine lets say I believe you.

"Even if he is our brother, he's dangerous! He's loyal to Frollo! What if he betrays us for The Judge? "He wouldn't do that." How do you know?! "Because he's our brother!"

"I thought you'd be happy." I guess I was wrong! She ran out of the wagon. Miriam! He sighed Aron looked down at the ground. His mother had risked her life for his brother. Was he really alive? What if he was right?

What if his brother chose Frollo over them? He hadn't meant to upset his sister, but he was just trying to protect her. "Please let her be right," he said with a sigh. He heard the sounds of the Gypsies getting ready for the festival. "I'd better get ready the festival will be starting soon," and what a festival it was.

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