Tsukishima (pt6)

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A folded piece of paper plopped onto my desk, bringing me out of focus.
I nearly finished that question.

Internally sighing, I looked at it in annoyance before unfolding it with caution.

Something better not pop out of it into my face..

In bold underlined writing read the two words "FUCK ME"

Kicking the chair of the girl in front of me I whispered, "Who was this from?"
Turning to me, she instantly said, "Kageyama-kun."

My eyes scanned the room before meeting with Kageyama's. What was wrong with him to be sending me these type of notes in class?

He wore a hopeful expression that I could clearly differentiate from his normal serious look. I didn't like it. We weren't 5 years old.

I broke his gaze quickly and flicked the note to the ground. This boy had some nerve...

20 minutes later the bell rang. I couldn't bring myself to focus for the rest of the lesson because I could feel Kageyama's eyes on me the entire time.

Before standing up, I pulled out my phone and my eyes met with a message from him. No, two messages from him..

What stunt was he trying to pull?

I stood up from my seat, pushing my chair back with my foot before picking up my bag and walking straight out of the room.

Or at least that's what I tried to do.

As soon as I walked out of class the first face I saw was Kageyama's.

"So." he said.

I stayed silent, what did he want me to say?

"Why are you acting all shy now?" he pressed
"Shy?" I asked, expressing a look of distaste.
"You sent me that note and avoided my gaze almost all lesson."

Was this boy confused?

"I didn't send you anything. You sent the note to me idiot." I responded
"Don't call me that! And I only replied to what you said to me first"
"Oh sorry King.. How did you respond if there was only one set of writing on the paper?"
"I underlined it." he stated in a-matter-of-a-factly way

I sighed.

"It wasn't me who sent you that note Kageyama, someone was pretending to be me."
"Oh" he simply said, suddenly going quiet, looking almost.. vulnerable?

"Who gave you the note in the first place?" I asked.

A scowl crossed his face and his expression turned sour.

"Hm?" I pressed.
"That dumb bastard Hinata." he muttered, before quickly storming off.

When Hinata and Kageyama fight, let's just say it's not the most pleasant thing.. Considering that they practice together and are our main source of attack on the court. When they fall apart, no one else can function as well. It's distracting.

I pursued after Kageyama and almost instantly crossed paths with Yamaguchi.
"Hi Tsukki! Where are you in such a hurry to? We have the practice match against Seijoh!" the green-haired boy smiled.
"Now isn't the best time Yamaguchi." I said.
"But they are coming in a few minutes and we haven't warmed up!" He responded, trying to keep up with the pace of my speed walking.
"I said not now Yamaguchi! Don't you see that I don't have the time to be talking to you right now? Go away!" I snapped.

Yamaguchi stopped walking and went silent before saying, "Gomen Tsukki, I won't bother you again.."
I heard his feet shuffle and heard a quick sniffle come from him. Then he turned and ran in the other direction, towards the gym.

He was right, we have another school on their way to play against us. All of our practicing amounts to these next few moments. I shouldn't have yelled at Yamaguchi..

Why do I always screw up?

I made it to the changing room but it was empty, meaning that everyone was already ready; Seijoh had already arrived.

Walking into the gym I was greeted by plenty of curious faces.

"Tsukki's never late for anything!" I heard someone whisper.
"Ahh Tsukishima-kun, we were wondering where you were! It's good that you're here now, we can begin the match!" Daichi said, patting me on the back.

We lost the first set. Everyone was on edge.
Kageyama and Hinata were synced the most but Kageyama stopped setting to him.
Tanaka wasn't use to receiving as much on-court attention as he was and could only spike half of the sets he was given.
Asahi was being the ace as usual but was intimidated by Oikawa and didn't allow himself to reach his full potential.
Daichi and Nishinoya were the only ones able to play somewhat normally, yet everything was such a mess.

Takeda-sensei called us a much needed timeout to rethink our strategies, we shouldn't need to do this in the first set.

"This is not how winners behave!" Sugawara said out of the blue.
"We haven't won." Tanaka replied glumly.
"Yet! We haven't won yet! It's only the first set.. so what? We'll take back the second one!" Ennoshita bounced with a sense of encouragement.
"Yeah we can take back the second set! The fight isn't over!!" Nishinoya bellowed.

"Everyone, we need to try our hardest! Just because it's a practice match doesn't mean it's not as important as a regular match. So put your hands together and on the count of three...." Daichi began
"1.. 2... 3... KARASUNO FIGHT!" Everyone yelled in sync.

How childish.

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