Kageyama (pt23)

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I was rather annoyed with everyone I ran into today, they loved to speculate. It was the class just before lunch, we had a good half an hour to go.

Sinking into my seat slightly, I began daydreaming about living as someone else. Who would I love to be? Definitely a volleyball player during high school still, but most of the ones I know are pretty jerkish. Maybe Ushijima Wakatoshi? He's a really strong player...

I was brought out of my thoughts by a loud, "Kageyama-kun? You've been requested from the guidance counsellor."

Way to be discreet.

Everyone turned to look at me for a moment and I got up, grabbing my stuff. What does she want now? I know I didn't speak to her yesterday, but I was over the idea of speaking to her now.

As I arrived outside the guidance counsellors office, before I could even knock, a loud, "Come in!" was heard from inside. Hesistantly, I opened the door.

God, was everyone watching me like this?

"Kageyama-kun take a seat. Let's cut to the chase as I'm eating into your learning time." she began, to which I just nodded at.

"My apologies that I wasn't available yesterday but the nurse filled me in on everything. My first question is how are you doing? Mentally?"

I just stared at her not even registering the fact that she was asking me a question.
I really can't trust anyone to not go and tell my business around can I?

"Kageyama-kun?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm fine." I responded, a little bit too quickly, as I had been pulled out of my thoughts.
"That was very rushed... move your chair closer I can barely hear you." she insisted.

Without saying a word, I stood up and dragged my chair to be almost adjacent to her on the long table. I instantly regretted this, we were too close.

She opened her mouth as if she were about to ask another question but froze as if in panic. What was she doing?? I dare not ask what was going through her mind right now, she was the counsellor, not me.

Regaining composure she spoke up, "My apologies. I didn't know y- you were still... currently receiving physical abuse." she said, her voice cracking.

Giving her a puzzled look Kageyama said, "I'm not...?" toned more like a question than a statement.
She reached over and lifted his chin as she inspected the boys neck.

Oh fuck.

Kageyama turned a light shade of pink, immediately feeling embarrassed by the fact that he would need to end up explaining the hand prints and dark marks all over his neck.
"You don't need to lie. The proof is right in front of me." she spoke calmly, letting go of his chin.
Kageyama stayed silent, causing the woman in front of him to look at his almost-beetroot face.

Her eyebrows shot up in realisation, "Oh. Sometimes I forget that this is what you teenagers get up to these days.", acting as if those handmarks and hickeys didn't mean what they meant.
"I hope you aren't doing anything dangerous, I know how you kids get..." she began.

After an awkward conversation about sex, an even awkwardly conversation about being gay, and the subject of point that brought Kageyama to the office in the first place were all spoken about, the setter was free to leave and it was 5 minutes into lunch.
I didn't really mind as I hadn't brought lunch with me today anyway. I didn't have much of an appetite to be honest. As I walked down the corridor, I passed by the cafeteria. Hinata was visible from miles away, his orange hair could probably glow in the dark. He sat with Yamaguchi, Tsukishima and a couple other first years.

Tsukishima sat between Yamaguchi and another first year, he looked a little bit uncomfortable. His girlfriend was nowhere to be found, yet, I decided to go to the gym and grab a volleyball to do wall bounces off of outside.

Half an hour later, without interacting with anyone since my arrival at the wall -most likely because it was cold and looked like it was about to rain so no one wanted to be outside- I finally heard a voice that I recognised.
Turning around ever so slightly, I saw Kikuchi along with two other girls approaching me, holding umbrellas.
It wasn't even raining. "Kageyama-san!", one of them called loudly.

Squinting my eyes as they came closer, I said, "Do I know you?"
It may have sounded rude but I didn't recognise anyone except for Tsukishima's girlfriend.

"You don't know me but I know you, I'm dating a second year that you know. He goes to Inarizaki!" she exclaimed.
"Who?" I asked, feeling the first drop of rain fall onto my cheek.
"Atsumu Miya!! He told me all about you and Tsukki at Bokuto-san's party.... I hope you don't have feelings for the blondie. Do you?"
She calls him Tsukki?

"Nothing happened between me and Tsukishima at Bokuto's party." I said bluntly.

The other one laughed, "Thats not what we were told. Akari here is the girlfriend of the boy you have a little crush on, but it seems like you've moved on enough from Tsukki for you to have hickeys from another on your neck. So we don't need to say anything more." she gestured to my neck, before smiling and beginning to saunter away.

Akari glanced at me apologetically, holding her umbrella closer to her head as the rain began to fall more aggressively. Then she rushed inside with her friends, away from the disgusting weather, without saying a word.

Fuck you.

I threw the volleyball at the wall angrily and it bounced off, rolling far into the distance, before stopping in a puddle.

"Why was everyone in my business?" I thought out loud as I began to walk towards the ball, "Why did they always have to involve themselves?????? Fuck them! Thinking they know everything. Tchhh!"

"King?" A distant voice called to me. Instinctively spinning around, I saw Tsukishima standing before me.
"Shouldn't you be staying away from me, blondie?" I asked cynically.
"Blon- what? Because of what happened when I came to your h-"
"Because you're girlfriend's friends are looking for excuses to torture me." I cut him off, "What happened at my house was a mistake, it's not happening again."

Tsukishima stayed silent for a moment and the rain continued falling which rendered his glasses as useless with all the droplets.
"I apologise for Ak- Kikuchi's friends.. they are a lot sometimes." he finally said whilst walking closer to where I stood.

I turned away from him and picked up the volleyball that rolled away earlier, collecting my thoughts. Why was he even here? I'm going to get another lecture from Kikuchi's minions...

"King." Tsukishima whispered into my ear from behind me, he was almost pressed against me. It made me immediately tense up and turn around to face him.
I stared into his light golden coloured eyes or a while until my own kept flicking down to his lips.

I can't do that. Not here.

But I did.

Yet I didn't realise that I did until I was clasping onto the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss which he accepted and instantly began combing his fingers through my soaked hair. Our lips moved in sync and our bodies were so close.
Too close.

hi guys sorry for the lack of updates!
ugh school is testing me SO BADLY and i've been demotivated to even get out of beddd. sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes it's like 1am... have a good day/night!

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